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Revision as of 18:58, 25 November 2012 by Kimbles (talk | contribs) (New page. Kinda cool that Medarot 7 brought it back.)
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Ghost (ゴースト) is an attack only found in Medarot 1 and Medarot 7. It is a physical attack used exclusively by Blackmail, which has it on all 3 of its parts. The attack is characterized by its extremely high attack power and low accuracy, and always uses the Berserk skill.

In its Medarot 1 incarnation, Ghost is a basic physical attack similar to Sword and Hammer with an animation of a cartoon ghost flying at the enemy. In Medarot 2 and later games, the attack was removed (possibly do to it having no unique effects) and Blackmail's parts were changed to use Hammer instead.

In Medarot 7, Ghost reappears with new mechanics tied to the Charge gauge. Here, the % value on the Charge gauge is added directly to the power of the attack, for a maximum of 100 additional power. (And like Hammer, it also ignores the damage reduction if the enemy defends the attack.) Considering Blackmail's head part has a starting power value of 99, this easily makes it the most damaging attack in the game, but its usefulness is offset by its very low success rate and slow charge/cooldown time.

Attacks View - Edit
GB and GBA-era Attacks
Normal attacks Rifle / Gatling - Sword / Hammer - Laser / Beam - Missile / Napalm - Press / Break - Anti-Sea / Anti-Air
Shock / Vacuum - Time Attack - Count Attack - Ghost - Combination attacks
Direct attacks Destroy - Sacrifice - Assassin - Static - Homesick - Countdown
Status attacks Hold / Wave - Fire / Melt - Bug / Virus - Thunder / Freeze - Homesick - Countdown
Related topics Actions - Equip effects - Attributes - Skills - Stats - Critical hits - Pierce effect - Traps