Black Devil

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Black Devil
Japanese: ブラックデビル
Burakku debiru
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mother Medal
Medarots: First Ace
Game appearances
Medarot 3
Other appearances
Medarot OCG, Medarot TCG

Black Devil (ブラックデビル Burakku Debiru) is the main antagonist of Medarot 3 and the first non-human character to fill that role. Outside of his gigantic Medarot body, in his Spirit form, he takes the appearance of a child named Marble (マーブラー Māburā, named Mabler in the Medabots TCG) and leads the other Spirits.

Black Devil is one of the two original Mother Medals sent by aliens long ago. While all Earth's rare medals were created by the other Mother Medal, Black Devil is responsible for creating some, including the Black Kabuto and Black Kuwagata medals, as well as his personal versions of the Ace, King, Queen, and Jack Medals. He's also indirectly responsible for the creation of the Aqua, Flame, Wind, and Earth Medals. The medals created by Black Devil do not follow the three laws of medarobotics and can harm humans, at least while he is present and exerting his influence.

Due to his large size, Black Devil cannot battle directly, so he commands an elite group of Medarots he created, known as the "playing card" Medarots. His primary Medarots are Gan-King and especially First Ace, with Mayqueen and Jackal serving as their key assistants. He also created Blackbeetle and Blackstag as direct copies of Ikki's Saikachis and Dorcus.

Although he's not playable in any way, it's known that at least his special ability is to create illusions through his eyes and manipulate people's minds which demonstrates a specialty in psychic powers.

In the games[edit]

Medarot 3[edit]

Medarot 3 Parts Collection[edit]

Marble serves as the boss of the Space Area, the eleventh zone in the game. His team is composed of Gan-King, Jackal, and Mayqueen, which is his first team as Black Devil in Medarot 3. Upon defeating Marble, the player is rewarded with Gan-King's parts.

Interestingly, Marble's Black Devil form is absent from the game, making him the only character with a battle portrait in Medarot 3 who does not appear in the Parts Collection.

Image gallery[edit]


Overworld Sprites:



  • The motif of Black Devil's main Medarots is hinted throughout the entire game, as the playing card medals are commonly used by NPCs and their Medarots, but typically inaccessible to Ikki (except through trading with Parts Collection). In the final battle, Black Devil is the one who uses Medarots specifically designed for these medals, bringing the motif full circle.