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Model No.
Head: Appeal Sound
Right Arm: Side Muffler
Left Arm: Silencer
Legs: Singer
Game appearances
Medarot 2, Medarot R, Medarot 2 Core
Other appearances
English Version Part Names:
Head: Appealsound
Right Arm: Sidemuffler
Left Arm: Silencer
Legs: Singer
Model No.:

Tranculi (トランキュリィ), known in English as Draken, is a Siren-type Medarot that first appeared in Medarot 2.


Tranculi is based on a Siren, a beautiful creature from Greek mythology that lures sailors to their deaths with its singing. Like the creatures in the myth, Tranculi has features of both a bird and a woman, with bird-like wings and legs and a humanoid head. In-battle, Tranculi uses its "song" to prevent Medarots in its vicinity from using Medaforce abilities.

Its name is derived from "tranquillity", possibly as a play on "silence" which sounds similar to "Siren" in Japanese. Likewise, its SLN model number comes from "Siren" with the R mistakenly replaced with an L.

In the games[edit]

Tranculi is a flying-type Medarot with Force Control actions on its head and arms, which when used prevent Medarots on both teams from using their Medaforce abilities. Its parts have the Cancel attribute, making it most compatible with the Unicorn Medal.

In Medarot 2 / Medarot 2 Core[edit]

With the exception of Primity Baby, Tranculi is the only Medarot in the game capable of using Force Control, making its parts very useful in strategies against God Emperor. It is used by Karin in both the original and remake of Medarot 2, though in the original some other enemies in the game may use its parts.

In Medarot R[edit]

Is obtainable from the Part Collection by fighting じょし that is ranked opponent number 30.

Image gallery[edit]

Official Artwork:

Sprites & 3D Models:

Related Medarots[edit]

Siren-type Medarots
SLN-0 Tranculi
SLN-1 Seekamar