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Model No.
Head: Fasten
Right Arm: Love
Left Arm: Lovely
Legs: Lust
Game appearances
Medarot Navi
Other appearances
Medarot OCG cards

Pisces (ピスケス) is the second Pisces-type Medarot that first appeared in Medarot Navi. Its name and appearance are based upon Aries the Fish, twelfth sign of the Western Zodiac, though it also borrows heavily from the Sirens of Greek mythology.


The role of Pisces in a Robottle starts as defense support. Its tail-shaped Head has the Full Cover action to disappear from the field for one turn. Both Left and Right Arms (fins, rather) have Force Control to disable (or re-enable) Medaforce actions field-wide. Its pihrana-jaw Legs are Water-type as can be expected for a fish.

By opening its "mouth" and folding back its tail, Pisces can Medachange. Gaining a pair of legs and a more feminine form, the Medarot gains Status attacks while ditching its weakness to Anti-Sea weapons. Drive B is a Thunder weapon while Drive C is a Freeze attack, both capable of inflicting Stop on an enemy to deplete its AP gain. Drive A remains Full Cover.

In the games

In Medarot Navi

Pisces first appears during the infiltration of the Space Robo asteroid base. Four Space Robo goons use them to support General Kirika and her Virgo. Kirika maintains her own quartet in the postgame, allowing the player to obtain a full set of Pisces parts.

Image gallery

Related Medarots

Western Zodiac Medarots
Medarot R Airy Ram - ♉ Deataurus - ♊ Geminustago - ♋ Crabernica - ♌ Leofang - ♍ Fair Girl - ♎ Librabra
Scorpeet - ♐ Bowtech Arrow - ♑ Caprihorn - ♒ Aquariance - ♓ Onfish
Medarot Navi Aries - ♉ Taurus - ♊ Gemini - ♋ Cancer - ♌ Leo - ♍ Virgo - ♎ Libra
Scorpio - ♐ Sagittarius - ♑ Capricorn - ♒ Aquarius - ♓ Pisces - Ophinichus