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Present in:
Medarot Navi

Vacuum (バキューム) is a type of attack only found in Medarot Navi. It's similar to Shock in that it can affect the position of the target.

Vacuum is a ranged attack that involves firing an energy ball that implodes upon impact. If it hits, it has a chance of pulling the target 1 grid square toward the user. This can put the enemy in range of other attacks, and can be especially useful if the opponent is using support traps like First Aid or Force Plant.

All the parts that use Vacuum use the Shoot or Snipe skills and have the Speed attribute.

Attacks View - Edit
[hide]GB and GBA-era Attacks
Normal attacks Rifle / Gatling - Sword / Hammer - Laser / Beam - Missile / Napalm - Press / Break - Anti-Sea / Anti-Air
Shock / Vacuum - Time Attack - Count Attack - Ghost - Combination attacks
Direct attacks Destroy - Sacrifice - Assassin - Static - Homesick - Countdown
Status attacks Hold / Wave - Fire / Melt - Bug / Virus - Thunder / Freeze - Homesick - Countdown
Related topics Actions - Equip effects - Attributes - Skills - Stats - Critical hits - Pierce effect - Traps