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Attacks are a type of action that causes damage to an enemy Medarot. There are many different attack types in the Medarot games.

Attack parts can use any of the 4 attacking skills: Shoot and Snipe for ranged attacks, and Strike and Berserk for physical attacks. Whether an attack is ranged or physical in battle always depends on the skill rather than the attack. That said, most attacks are usually one or the other, for example Rifle only makes sense as a ranged attack. Beam is almost always ranged, but exceptions can exist (like Samurai's beam swords in Medarot 1, which use physical skills).

Most attack types consist of a pair of 2 attacks that use the exact same mechanics, but might represent different things. For example Hammer and Sword function exactly the same, but sword attacks are used when the part is designed for slicing or stabbing, and hammer represents blunt force attacks. Melt and Fire both "burn" the target, but one does it with acid and the other does it with heat.

Common attack types[edit]

These attacks are present in Medarot 1 as well as every other Medarot RPG.

Basic attacks:

Specialized shooting:

Specialized physical (Status effects):

(For a full list, see List of attacks.)

Medal compatibility[edit]

Medals can have better results using certain attacks instead of others for a few different reasons, not necessarily tied to the attack itself. The main thing to keep in mind is which skill the attack uses, since different Medals come with different starting skills levels. Using a shooting attack with a Medal that has 0 shooting skill will result in the attack being weaker and much less accurate. Repeatedly using a skill will train the Medal and eventually make it able to use the skill better, but this can be very time consuming.

In Medarot 3, 4, and Navi, Medals can only use 3 of the 10 possible skills, and are incapable of gaining levels in the skills they don't have. In Medarot 3 and 4, up to three additional skills can be added using Medalias, but these don't exist in Medarot Navi. Since there are 4 skills used for attacking (Shoot, Snipe, Strike, and Berserk), this means that Medals in these games are even more limited in the attack parts they can use effectively. Some Medals even start without any of the attacking skills, and instead focus on support moves or healing.

The other thing to keep in mind is what attribute the part has. In Medarot 1, 2, R, and 2 Core, this is decided by the action the part uses, and attributes exist for each of the attack types listed above. (Shooting, Gravity, Burn, etc.) Each Medal has a matching attribute that gives it a compatilibility bonus when those parts are equipped, which increases the effectiveness for all of its parts. However, because each Medal can only match one attribute, the types of parts it can get a bonus from are quite limited. (The Tortoise medal has the Optical attribute, which means it must equip parts with Laser or Beam in order to get a bonus.) In many cases, the benefit of equipping more varied parts outweighs the slight boost in accuracy from using compatible parts.

In Medarot 3, 4, Navi, and 5, the attribute system was redone to use less-specific groups. In these games most parts fall under the Speed or Power attributes depending on whether they focus on "low damage, high speed" or "high damage, low speed". Status-causing attacks tend to have the Status attribute.

Attacks View - Edit
[hide]GB and GBA-era Attacks
Normal attacks Rifle / Gatling - Sword / Hammer - Laser / Beam - Missile / Napalm - Press / Break - Anti-Sea / Anti-Air
Shock / Vacuum - Time Attack - Count Attack - Ghost - Combination attacks
Direct attacks Destroy - Sacrifice - Assassin - Static - Homesick - Countdown
Status attacks Hold / Wave - Fire / Melt - Bug / Virus - Thunder / Freeze - Homesick - Countdown
Related topics Actions - Equip effects - Attributes - Skills - Stats - Critical hits - Pierce effect - Traps