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Traps are a mechanic present in every Medarot game.

Offensive traps[edit]

  • Shoot Trap (射撃トラップ) - Damages enemy Medarots using attacks with the Shoot or Snipe skill.
  • Cross Attack Set (クロス攻撃セット) - The first step of a 2-step attack. Requires "Cross Attack Fire" to do damage.

Support traps[edit]

Also known as Plants.

  • First Aid (ファーストエイド) - Revives 1 broken part on an ally Medarot. Only restores 1 HP.
  • Scan Clear (索敵クリア) - Removes the effects of Scan from the enemy, and prevents them from using it as long as the trap exists.
  • Conceal Clear (隠蔽クリア) - Removes the effects of Conceal from the enemy, and prevents them from using it as long as the trap exists.
  • Shot Clear (単発クリア) - Completely blocks the enemy's next attack.
  • Trap Clear (トラップクリア) - Removes any traps set by the enemy, and prevents them from being placed as long as the trap exists.
Attacks View - Edit
[hide]GB and GBA-era Attacks
Normal attacks Rifle / Gatling - Sword / Hammer - Laser / Beam - Missile / Napalm - Press / Break - Anti-Sea / Anti-Air
Shock / Vacuum - Time Attack - Count Attack - Ghost - Combination attacks
Direct attacks Destroy - Sacrifice - Assassin - Static - Homesick - Countdown
Status attacks Hold / Wave - Fire / Melt - Bug / Virus - Thunder / Freeze - Homesick - Countdown
Related topics Actions - Equip effects - Attributes - Skills - Stats - Critical hits - Pierce effect - Traps