Hercules Medal

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Hercules Medal
Letter: B
Attribute: Shooting / Speed
Medarot 5, Medarot 7

Medarot 5[edit]

The Hercules Medal is the opposite extreme of the Caucasus Medal, it is Last of the Kabuto Medal's evolutions, and one of the strongest, it evolves exclusively from the Tatezuno Medal Line, evolving from the Pizarro Medal at Lv60 and it has an extreme focus on Sniping most of all. It learns the same MedaSkill as the Tatezuno Medal.


Nature: Speed

Compatibility: 11

MedaSkill: Curse Ball

Skill Proficiency

Shoot Lv3

Aim Shot/Snipe Lv5

Repair Lv2

Set-up Lv2

Special Lv2

Medarot 7 / Medarot 8[edit]

To evolve the Kabuto Medal to it's Rank 3 form you must:

  • Have evolved the Kabuto Medal to the Neptunus Medal at 18
  • Have a Neptune Medal with Protect at level 21 or higher upon reaching level 36.