Particle (パーティクル) is an arch-angel-type Medarot that first appeared in Medarot 4.
In the games[edit]
Medarot 4[edit]
Particle is used by Ikki to fight against Orochi's Grain at the story's final battle. Later, it can be obtained in the Kabuto Version from the Dream Machine in the left room Medarots Corporation. After inserting a RoboRobo Medal in the machine, it will request the following items:
- イダテンのくつ (Dash Shoes): Obtained after winning Meda Speed King 60 Times.
- アンカーのたすき (Anchor Sash): Obtained after winning Medaroad Race 40 times.
- かみひこうき (Paper Plane): Obtained after winning Meda Bird Contest 60 times.
- シュリのサイン (Shuri's Autograph): Obtained ater Winning Ms. Medarot Contest 30 times.
- あんしゴーグル (Night Vision Goggles): Obtained ater Winning Dark Robattle 30 times.
They are obtained with the Medarots that keep track of how many times you won each respective Minigame, at the respective milestones. After inserting all of those in the Dream Machine, you'll get Particle in the Kabuto Version. In the Kuwagata Version, Grain gets obtained, instead.
[show]Stats in Medarot 4 |
[show]Medachange Stats in Medarot 4 |
Image gallery[edit]
Concept art:
Early concept art
Early concept art (Medachange)
Line art
Concept art
Concept art (Medachange)
Official artwork:
Profile from the Medarot Classics Ultimate Character Book
Official art from Medarot 4
Official art from Medarot 4 (Medachange)
Official art from Medarot S
Official art from Medarot S (Medachange)
Sprite in Medarot 4
Sprite in Medarot 4 (Medachange)
Medarot OCG card
Official profile and statistics[edit]
Medarot S Album description[edit]
Medarot is based on the motif of an archangel.
It has the holy power to repel an opponent's attack and even heal its allies.
It is said to descend and lend its power to those who are brave enough to change the fate of the world, without fear of evil.
Related Medarots[edit]
- ADV-0 Grain, its arch-devil equivalent.