Metabee A

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Metabee A
Model No.
Rhino beetle
Head: Meta Missile A
Right Arm: Meta Revolver A
Left Arm: Meta Machine Gun A
Legs: Ochitsuker A
Game appearances
Medarot S
Other appearances
Medarot (anime), Medarot Damashii

This page describes the Medarot model found in Medarot S. For other Metabee models, see Metabee. For information on the character itself, see Metabee (character).

Metabee A (メタビーA) is a rhino beetle-type Medarot that appears in Medarot S as part of a collaboration with the Medarot anime. It's the game's interpretation of the specified Metabee used by Ikki Tenryou in the anime.


Metabee A (from Anime) is Ikki's partner in the TV anime version of Medarot. Its official name is "Metal Beetle".

As a KBT-type Medarot, Metabee is naturally suited to the Kabuto Medal and specializes in shooting attacks. Metabee's head resembles that of a rhino beetle, with a single split-ended horn. Its coloring more closely resembles that of the anime, especially with the hand and internal parts being light fuchsia instead of white.

Metabee's attack style revolves around its various shooting weapons. The Head part contains a Missile with perfect accuracy and high power. The Right Arm uses a semi-automatic Rifle for quick and accurate strikes. The Left Arm features a rapid-fire Gatling for heavy assault. Its bipedal structure is perfect for dominating Grass and Forest battlefields.

The reason for this Metabee to differ from the regular KBT01 in Medarot S is that, despite being a shooting-oriented type, it performs bold techniques that resemble punching with fists. This reflects the unique identity of the anime's Metabee. He's arrogant, hotheaded and very temperamental while still having the skills to back up said arrogance.

In the games[edit]

In Medarot S[edit]

Metabee A's part functions in Medarot S are:

Part Name Type Action
Head: Meta Missile A Shooting Missile A
Right arm: Meta Revolver A Shooting Rifle A
Left arm: Meta Machine Gun A Shooting Gatling A
Legs: Ochisuka A Bipedal Battle Master

In the anime[edit]

Main Article: Ikki's Metabee

In the television series, Metabee is a KBT-type Medarot (Model KBT-11220 in the English dub) belonging to Ikki Tenryou, specializing in projectile weaponry and revolver tactics. Although outdated, he also possesses a rare Kabuto Medal which grants him to access the Medaforce. He is known to be quite aggressive and stubborn, and often causes problems due to his headstrong personality. He is often disobedient to his owner Ikki, but shares a close bond with him, and so, Ikki trusts him deeply.

In the Medarot Damashii season, Ikki changes Metabee's parts to the new Medachange-capable Saikachis model, while keeping his name the same.

Image gallery[edit]


Related Medarots[edit]

  • KWG01 Rokusho A, its Kuwagata version counterpart.
  • KBT-1 Metabee, its intended model that the anime was based on.
KBT-type Medarots
KBT-0 Metal Beetle KBT-2 Bayonet KBT05C Saikachis C KBT-7 Kabuto Benimaru KBT0C
Chrotojil KBT12-M Jhuk
KBT00-M Metabee KBT-3
Kantaros KBT-55 Blackbeetle KBT08
Granbeetle KBT0D
Dechotom KBT13-M Torito Beetle
KBT-1 Metabee KBT03R-M Kantaros R KBT05A B Beetle A KBT09
Kaiser Beetle KBT0E
Beet KBT14 Musha Beetle
KBT01-M Metabee KBT-4 Arcbeetle KBT-6 Arcbeetle-Dash KBT0A
Anzudo Beetle KBT10-M Gun-Nose KBT15 Anzwei
KBT01A Metabee A KBT-5 Saikachis KBT06T Arc BDT KBT-0NF Pupa Beetle KBT11-M Sägehorn KBT50-M G-Metabee