CF attacks
CF attacks are a new type of attack introduced in Medarot 7. They replace Cross Attack as the main type of combination attack. The CF can either stand for Cross Fire (クロスファイア) for ranged attacks, or Cross Fight (クロスファイト) for physical attacks.
All CF attacks are modified versions of existing attacks, designated by the CF prefix in front of the name. The main feature of CF attacks is the ability to chain actions from different Medarots on the team. After using a CF attack, the Medarot will move to the active line and wait. The Medarot's movement bar will change color and say "CF", and a countdown will appear, similar to when the Medarot is charging. If another Medarot on the team performs an action before the countdown runs out, the Medarot with the CF attack will perform its attack directly before or after. If the countdown reaches 0 without a Medarot on the team performing an action, the Medarot with the CF attack will attack normally on its own.
- Physical ("Cross Fight") attacks are performed directly after the action that triggered it, while ranged ("Cross Fire") attacks are performed directly before. If the first attack in the chain is a hit, then the attack following it will always hit as well.
- As with charging, the Medarot cannot dodge attacks while counting down, but will always defend attacks if possible.
- If there are 2 other Medarots on the team, the countdown will start at 4. If there's only one, the countdown will start at 1. If there are no other Medarots, the countdown will start at 0 and the CF attacking Medarot will attack right away.
- If a second or third Medarot uses a CF attack, they will go into countdown as well. When all 3 Medarots are waiting for CF attacks, they will all attack at the same time once the countdown runs out for one of them.
- Destroying the part the CF attacking Medarot used will cancel the countdown and send it back to the command line.
- CF attacks cannot be used in Combos.
Uses and availability[edit]
CF attacks can be difficult to use due to them requiring a certain amount of timing. If not used correctly, they can leave your Medarots stuck and vulnerable to attacks for multiple turns.
The most obvious use for them is pairing a highly accurate attack with a powerful but low-accuracy attack, due to the accuracy of the first chained attack carrying over. Another popular use is treating them as a defensive action with an added attack - Having the Medarots wait at the active line makes them more likely to be targeted by physical attacks, and the fact that they always defend while waiting can make the Medarot an effective defensive wall when given parts with high armor. Cross Fight attacks also have the added effect of targeting the same Medarot when used with other physical attacks, due to physical attack targeting depending on the enemy's position, and no time passing in between attacks in the chain.
Parts with CF attacks are quite common in comparison to combination attacks in previous games. Many of the new Medarots introduced in Medarot 7 use CF attacks instead of regular ones. Unlike Combos which require a license before they can be used, CF attacks are usable at any point in the game.
List of CF attacks[edit]
Basic attacks:
Specialized attacks:
Status attacks:
Attacks View - Edit |
[hide]GB and GBA-era Attacks | ||
Attacks (List) |
Normal attacks | Rifle / Gatling - Sword / Hammer - Laser / Beam - Missile / Napalm - Press / Break - Anti-Sea / Anti-Air Shock / Vacuum - Time Attack - Count Attack - Ghost - Combination attacks |
Direct attacks | Destroy - Sacrifice - Assassin - Static - Homesick - Countdown | |
Status attacks | Hold / Wave - Fire / Melt - Bug / Virus - Thunder / Freeze - Homesick - Countdown | |
Related topics | Actions - Equip effects - Attributes - Skills - Stats - Critical hits - Pierce effect - Traps |
[show]DS and 3DS-era Attacks |
Attacks in Medarot DS / Medarot 7 View - Edit | ||
Added in Medarot 7 | Normal attacks | Heavy Rifle - Mega Gatling - Hyper Beam - Beam Sword - Break Hammer Thunder Shot / Freeze Shot - Flash - Charge Buster |
CF attacks | CF Rifle / CF Gatling - CF Sword / CF Hammer - CF Laser / CF Beam - CF Missile CF Press / CF Break - CF Flash | |
Added in Medarot DS | Tornado - Slip - Panic - Defense Seal - Evasion Seal - Double Seal - Canceller |