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Model No.
Omega Girls
Head: Carefreen
Right Arm: Twintailn
Left Arm: Gerion
Legs: Longlegger
Game appearances
Medarot S
Other appearances
Official website

Balaxitario (バラシタリオ) (Pronounced Barashitario) is an Omega Sisters-type Medarot that was added to Medarot S as part of a collaboration with the V-Tuber duo the Omega Sisters. Its name means "Butchered Rio," as it represents one of the Omega Sisters, Omega Rei, holding the severed head and twintails of the other sister, Omega Rio.


Omega Tale is is a female medarot with a similar aesthetic to other human woman-based Medarots, including a mostly blank face with solid-colored eyes. Its design mostly resembles Omega Rei, with a blue bob haircut, a red head ribbon, and a red maid-style dress with a white apron and back ribbon. It also has a small Greek Letter Omega (Ω) in white on the front of its collar area. Its left arm is holding an object shaped like a doll head with pink hair, empty holes where twintails would go and blue ribbons above it, resembling a doll of Omega Rio's head, with cables extending down from the neckhole that evoke entrails. The missing twintails are mounted on the sides of Balaxitario's right forearm so that they resemble stag beetle pincers.

Omega Tale's part functions in Medarot S are:

Part Name Type Action
Head: Carefreen Assist Desperate
Right arm: Twintailn Melee Break Hammer
Left arm: Gerion Melee Charge Drain
Legs: Longlegger Bipedal Bloodstain

Image gallery[edit]

Related Medarots[edit]

Omega Sisters-type Medarots
OMG00 Omega Tale
OMG01 Balaxitario
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