Garuru Metal

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Garuru Metal
Model No.
Head: Metal Tomahawk
Right Arm: Cocytus
Left Arm: Grace Cross
Legs: Garuru Leg
Game appearances
Medarot S
Other appearances
Official website

Garuru Metal (ガルルメタル) is a MetalGarurumon-type Medarot that was unveiled on Twitter and the official Medarot website as part of the 2021 April Fools crossover with the Digimon franchise.


Garuru Metal is inspired by the Digimon MetalGarurumon. It resembles MetalGarurumon, but with significant changes to make it more functional as a Medarot. The medarot’s arms are small units resembling MetalGarurumon’s shoulders and missile boxes, while the MetalGarurumon head is on its chest and it has a head above it shaped like the missile MetalGarurumon shoots from its back and MetalGarurumon’s wings. Its part names are references to MetalGarurumon and its attacks Garuru Tomahawk, Cocytus Breath, and Grace Cross Freezer.

The 2021 April Fools crossover event added Garuru Metal to Medarot S. In that game, its part functions are:

Part Name Type Action
Head: Metal Tomahawk Shooting Hyper Missile
Right arm: Cocytus Shooting Freeze Shot
Left arm: Grace Cross Shooting Missile
Legs: Garuru Leg Multi-Leg Weapon Master

Image gallery

Related Medarots

Digimon-type Medarots
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DGM01 Grey Wars
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Collaboration-type Medarots
DGM00 Omega Knight
DGM01 Grey Wars
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