Leg abilities in Medarot 8

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Revision as of 16:11, 23 December 2014 by Kimbles (talk | contribs) (Started the list, still missing some descriptions though.)
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Leg abilities are a new game mechanic added in Medarot 8. In addition to deciding the Medarot's leg type and certain stats, all leg parts now have an "ability" (とくせい) that provides a passive effect in battle.

List of leg abilities

Name Japanese Description
F-Charger Fチャージャー Adds 1/10th of the value on the charge gauge to the Medarot's Melee stat.
G-Control Gコントロール All terrain match-ups are +6 while at 100% charge.
M-Charger Mチャージャー Adds 1/10th of the value on the charge gauge to the Medarot's Mobility stat.
S-Charger Sチャージャー Adds 1/10th of the value on the charge gauge to the Medarot's Shooting stat.
Artillery アーティラリー
Accel アクセル Applies "Mobile Boost" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Acrobatics アクロバティクス
Assault アサルト
Assail アセイル Applies "Shoot Boost" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Adapter アダプター Eliminates the effects of poor leg-terrain compatibility.
Abscond アプスコンド Mobility is +15 during cooldown.
Illusion イリュージョン Applies "Stealth" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Intercept インターセプト
Waylay ウェイレイ
Weapon Master ウェポンマスター Adds half of the Melee stat to Shooting during shooting attacks,
and half of the Shooting stat to Melee during melee attacks.
Explorer エクスプローラー Improves compatibility on indoor (hall) terrain.
Emergency エマージェンシー
Endurance エンデュランス
Auto-Charge オートチャージ Adds 5% to the charge gauge after each action.
Auto-Repair オートリペア
Carrier キャリアー
Quick Attack クイックアタック
Quick Fire クイックファイア
Climber クライマー Improves compatibility on mountain terrain.
Clairvoyance クレアボイアンス Applies "Radar Sight" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Barrier ケッカイ Applies "Guard Boost" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Continual-P コンテニュアルP
Generator ジェネレーター Applies "Heater" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Set-up Plus しかけるプラス Charge stat when using Set-up actions is increased by 10.
Carnage シュラ
Shooter シューター Increases the accuracy of sniping attacks by 10%.
Super Armor スーパーアーマー
Snow Type スノータイプ Improves compatibility on snowy terrain.
Support Plus たすけるプラス Charge stat when using Support actions is increased by 10.
Charge Shot チャージショット
Charge Fight チャージファイト
Charm チャーム Damage is reduced by 20% if the attacker is using an opposite gender Tinpet.
Extra Ammo ついかだんそう Increases head part uses by 1.
Desert Type デザートタイプ Improves compatibility on desert terrain.
Dead Or Alive デッドオアライブ Increases Melee stat by 2 for every critical melee attack performed (maximum is +10).
Pillbox トーチカ Damage taken during CF attack standby is reduced by 20%
Trap Buster トラップバスター
Trigger Happy トリガーハッピー Increases Shooting stat by 2 for every critical shooting attack performed (maximum is +10).
Heal Plus なおすプラス Charge stat when using Heal actions is increased by 10.
Righteous ハジャ Applies "Status Clear" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Pupa プーパ
Fairy Charge フェアリチャージ
Fortress フォートレス Damage taken when defending is reduced by 10%.
Forester フォレスター Improves compatibility on forest terrain.
Ruffian ブライ Applies "Desperate" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Bloodstain ブラッドステイン Increases Power stat by 3 for every enemy part destroyed (maximum is +15).
Brilliance ブリリアンス Applies "Super Repair" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Breakneck ブレイクネック Mobility is +10 during charge time for an action.
Protect Plus まもるプラス Charge stat when using Protect actions is increased by 10.
Mariner マリナー Improves compatibility on water terrain.
Radiator ラジエーター Applies "Cooler" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.
Land Cruiser ランドクルーザー Improves compatibility on flat terrain.
Rumbling ランブリング Applies "Fight Boost" to itself once per battle upon reaching 100% charge.