Guide:Medarot 1 Complete walkthrough

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(Written by: Kimbles)

This is a basic (but comprehensive) point-form guide I've been working on to help with creating the English translation patch. I consulted a few different Japanese guides when writing it, but otherwise it's my own work. I hope you might find it at least a little bit useful.

It only covers the first quarter of the game so far, but more will be added as I go. If you have any comments or corrections, please post them on the talk page. :)


Medarot 1 goes like this:

  • Go to the park and get the Medal.
  • Take it to the Select office, and note that you can keep talking to the officer to get some RoboRobo Medals too.
  • Go home and talk to dad to get a Medarot, then talk to your mom to open the school.
  • Go to school and enter your classroom (second floor, middle room on the left). You should answer no to the question Kirara asks you if you're interested in getting Nae's ending.
  • Head to the park afterwards and fight Yanma and Kubota (it doesn't matter if you win or lose). Likewise, answer no to their question if you want Nae's ending.
  • The path to Harbor Town will now be open.

Chapter 1 - Harbor Town

  • Head to Harbor Town and fend off surfer dudes. Since you only have one Medarot at this point, every loss will count as a game over and send you back to where you last saved. (Save often!)
  • Note that the RoboRobo in the store will probably kill you (he uses two Coffinbats), but you lose the option to fight him later.
  • Once you've gotten the hang of things and won some fights, head towards the cave in the bottom corner of the map and fight Reika. (If you have any Anti-Sea parts from fighting surfers they might make the fight easier.)
  • Now you can enter the Seaside Cave, where you will be assaulted by fishermen and stray Medarots. These can be deadly if you haven't leveled up much, so be sure to save after every fight or use your RoboRobo Medals.
  • Inside the cave, pick up a Knight Medal from the top of the ladder, and a male Tinpet from the left side of the area. You can also find a Kanehachi head (Headband) from the boxes there.
  • Once you're out, you can talk to the fisherman on the beach to get a "fresh fish" item and 3 Blue Submarine parts (all but the head). Keep talking to him and you'll be able to fish up a password letter, which does absolutely nothing.
  • Head back to the starting area and talk to Yanma guarding the west exit, beat him and you can move on. (Kirara will now be willing to fight you in the park as well.)

Chapter 2 - The Mountain

  • Pass Yanma and enter the Medarot lab area. The goal here is to get past Kubota at the south of the map, but he won't fight you until you clear the mountain.
  • A girl near Paddy's house will offer to battle you as much as you want, using a combination of Pastel Fairy/Sailormate. You can also fight Paddy in her house (she uses a single Betty Bear), but she'll only fight you once and you don't get a choice to back out when you talk to her, so save beforehand if you're worried about losing.
  • Head north to the mountain village area, and visit the mayor's house to give him the fish you got from the fisherman. Talk to him again and he'll ask for some soil from the shrine on the mountain.
  • Head north to the mountain area. You can kick the tree standing by itself in the middle of the map to get a beetle, but examining the tree again makes you lose it. (You can hit the tree again to get it back though.)
  • Near the exit to the second (upper) part of the area, head right+down to a small enclosed bit of trees. You'll be attacked by crows that will take 1000 yen from you. Check this spot again after leaving the area and you'll be given 41 RoboRobo Medals. :O!
  • In the second part of the area, head right+up to find the mountain shrine. You can check the bush to the left of the shrine to get the mountain soil the mayor asked for.
  • Check the shrine to get a "Medal-like coin" that was left there. You can place it back on the shrine in exchange for a password letter, but if you do you won't be able to get it back, so I really don't recommend it!
  • Head over to the monkeys in the hot spring and talk to the one on the left, which is actually Inago in disguise. He'll fight you using 2 Monkey Gongs, which should be fairly simple to beat.
  • After defeating him, you'll get the Mermaid Medal as well as a girl's lost Medal. Head back to the village and speak to the girl near the top entrance to return the Medal and get a Monkey Gong head part (Smoke Gas) in return. You should also give the mayor the mountain soil while you're here. (You'll get something for it later.)
  • Go back to the Medarot lab area and enter the Medarot lab buidling. One of the scientists on the second floor will examine your "Medal-like coin" and reveal that it's actually a Chameleon Medal. (Cool!)
  • Now you can fight Kubota (who uses a Yellowturtle, same as when you fought him before). Beat him and you can move on the the next area, the shopping district.

Chapter 3 - Exploring the town

  • You now have access to the shopping district, the insect lab area (north), the Medarot Company offices (west), the downtown area (south), and from there the Select HQ.
  • If you head north to the area of the insect lab, you'll find that it appears to be a dead end. However, there's actually a RoboRobo in the house blocking a doorway that leads to the rest of the area. You can fight him as many times as you like (he uses 3 Medarots with HellPhoenix, Crow Tengu, and Yuchitang parts), but he won't let you past for now.
  • Also in the insect lab area is a boy who will offer to fight you as many times as you want, using 2 Medarots with A-Burage, A-Gedama, and Betty Bear parts.
  • In the shopping district itself, there are two different shops: A regular convenience store and an "import store", which sells expensive female parts. (Note that you can win Sailormate/Pastel Fairy's parts from the girl in the Medarot lab area instead of buying them here.)
  • The Medarot Company area can be reached from the bottom-left of the shopping district map. There's not much of note there right now, but the shop has some useful parts, and you can get Blue Sumarine's remaining head part by talking to one of the scientists on the second floor of the Medarot Company office.
  • The downtown area is south of the shopping district. If you approach the convenience store, you'll be accosted by a man called Kawamura who will challenge you to a fight. If you say yes, he'll run away and drop a "Medanot" (which you can sell for a pile of money in the post-game, but only once). He'll keep appearing when you go near the doorway and dropping Medanots every time until you say no, at which point he'll leave and never bother you again.
  • The path to the Select HQ is at the bottom-left of the downtown map. If you approach it, Iseki will appear and fight you using 2 Magentacats, so save beforehand. After you beat her, you'll be able to move on to the Select HQ area.

Chapter 4 - Select HQ + Dig site

  • Follow the bridge and you'll find yourself at the Select building. The goal here is to get to the top floor, but the whole building is full of random battles, so be careful. It's a pretty straightforward dungeon, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding your way through.
  • A few things of note:
    • The staircase in the bottom-left of the second floor leads to a room with a treasure chest containing 6 RoboRobo Medals.
    • The left door on the 4th floor contains a treasure chest, but when you try to open it a ninja will appear and attack you (using 1 Medarot with Seven Colors/Nin-Ninja parts). Beat him and you'll get a Digmole head part (Cover Up) from the chest.
    • The worker by the 4th floor staircase will sometimes let you answer yes/no, and saying no will make him battle you (repeatable as many times as you want). Sometimes he doesn't though, and I'm not sure what decides it.
  • On the roof, you'll find a bird NPC that will turn out to be Suzume (another RoboRobo leader) in disguise. He'll fight you with 2 Crow Tengus, which can be easily taken out using Anti-Air attacks. After you win, you'll receive the Ghost Medal and he'll knock your Medarot down to the floor below. Your dad will appear and fix your Medarot, and give you your third male Tinpet.
  • You'll now be able to acess the second part of the insect lab area by examining the window in the house where the RoboRobo was standing. If you visit the insect lab itself, you'll be able to sell the beetle you found on the mountain to one of the scientists there for 800 yen. (It's really all it's good for, and you can repeat it if you go back to the mountain to get another one.)
  • Head to the Medal excavation site, but avoid approaching the rail cart yet as it will trigger a boss fight. Instead, go to the Medal museum and examine the window between the two bookcases on the first floor. This will take you to the house on the right of the building, which is usually closed. Examine the two bookcases in the house to receive a Monkey Gong leg part (Quick Legs) and the Bat Medal. (Yay!)
  • Now you should be good to go, so make sure your Medarots are all assembled how you want, save, and approach the rail cart. It'll start a cutscene where you'll fight Reika again (using Yuchitang, Crow Tengu, and HellPhoenix parts - bring Anti-Air!). After you beat her, you'll immediately fight another RoboRobo leader, Typhoon. He uses HellPhoenix exclusively, so as long as you're prepared you'll be fine.
  • After the fight, a reporter will show up and take your picture and you'll wake up in your house. Chapter done!

[End of Act 1.]

Chapter 5 - Various events

  • You now have access to the remaining areas: the shrine by the school, the main tournament stadium, the ruins (by taking the rail car from the excavation site), dad's hometown (north of the excavation site), and the observatory area. There are also a lot of optional events available to you now, which you can deal with now or during the next couple chapters. However, be aware that some are missable if you wait too long to trigger them.
  • Apparently it's a mid-break school day, so you'll have to visit to your classroom again at some point. After class, the city tournament at the shrine will be available, which is where you need to go next to progress. Pretty straightforward, but you'll probably want to check out at least a couple of events before moving on ahead.
    • First thing is to talk to Bonaparte (your dog) in your room and get a RoboRobo uniform (it will come in handy later). Then, talk to your dad downstairs and he'll tell you there's a reward waiting for you at the Select Office. Go to the Select Office afterwards and talk to the guy to receive your 4th Tinpet. You'll have the choice between a female/male one, but note that this is your first opportunity to get a female Tinpet so far.
    • After going to class and speaking to the librarian (3rd floor, far room on the left), go up to the school roof to find a "moving statue" Medarot who you can fight (it uses a team of 3 Sekizous). If you win, you'll receive a Sekizou right part (Homing) in addition to the part you won from the battle. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you'll get a "difficult book" item, which you can return to the librarian in exchange for a Doctor Study head part (Search Radar).
    • The teacher at the pool will now fight you using 3 Megaphants (it's a somewhat difficult fight, so save before you talk to him). You won't get anything in particular for beating him and he'll just fight you again if you talk to him after, but it's something you can do.
    • The school principal will also now be willing to fight you if you enter his office without knocking first. (Save before talking to him.) He uses two Samurais, but it can be a difficult fight even with three Medarots. This one of only two chances you'll get to obtain Samurai's parts, so don't miss it and make sure to win!
    • In the Medarot lab area, Paddy will be willing to fight you again now in her house (she still only uses 1 Betty Bear, so it's not much of a fight). However, you should go to the Medarot lab building while you're here and talk to Dr. Medarot on the second floor, since he'll give you a "nametag" item that allows you to enter the closed door on the right of the first floor. (You need to pick it up before completing the city tournament, or you'll lose your chance to get it forever.)
    • The scientist on the second floor of the Medarot Company office who gave you Blue Submarine's head before will now give you the "Mini-Handle" item if you talk to him. Using the item on the overworld lets you move around faster, though you still have to deal with random battles. (You can rearrange items on your item screen with Select to make it more convenient.)
    • You can also go check out the main tournament stadium area now (south of the downtown). There's not much happening there yet, but it does have two stores and a couple of optional battles. One is with a construction worker standing between the stadium and warehouses south of the entrance, who'll disappear after you fight him. The other is with Tawarama in the tournament hotel (she's the girl at the computer). She'll ask if you want to fight, but if you say no she won't ask again. She uses 3 King Pharaohs and this is one of the few chances in the game to get its parts, so make sure to save before talking to her.
    • Inside the insect lab building, there's a new NPC near the right entrance who'll battle you when you talk to him. It's not a difficult fight, but if you win you'll be awarded a spare head part for your starter (Missile or Antenna depending on the version).
    • At the Medal excavation site, you can now use the rail cart to travel to the ruins (west of the area), which are pretty devoid of anything at the moment but you can view a small cutscene by approaching the center of the pond. However, flipping the switch on the cart platform to the up position will make the cart go to the right instead, allowing you to walk around on the rubble pile. There are two hidden items here: One in the square directly above where the cart stops (giving you another Medanot and a Teepee left arm part, Melt Rain), and the other in left of the two walkable squares in the bottom corner (giving you yet another Smoke Gas part).
    • If you go north of the excavation site, you'll find yourself in "Dad's hometown", which is mostly farms and cows. Your grandparents have a house here, and your grandpa will immediately fight you if you talk to him, using 2 Moon Dragons. They have high evasion but no attacking parts, so you should be able to win by time out at least.
    • The exit at the top left leads to the observatory area, which has some notable things. The most important one is buying a "star piece" item from the reception lady inside the observatory building, which will come in handy in the post-game. You can also examine the rubble pile in the bottom corner of the map (face left at the bottom of the L) to find another male Tinpet (your 5th Tinpet overall) as well as a "pottery" item.
    • After getting the pottery item, head back to the mountain village area and speak to the mayor there. If you've completed his other requests, he'll take a look at it and smash it open, revealing either the parts for DonDoguu (Kabuto version) or Haniwa Golem (Kuwagata version).
  • After you've done all the events you want to, head over to the shrine area to begin the city tournament!

Chapter 6 - To be added!

(Coming soon)