Guide:Medarotch App Information and Mission list
The Medarotch app was released for iOS and Android in 2013 and is based heavily on the electronic Medarotch toys originally released in 1998. Unlike the original toys which required you to insert physical Medals to unlock new Medals and Medarots, the app version has "missions" which are simple achievements that reward you with new Medals.
Medarot / Medal list[edit]
There are 50 Medarots available, each associated with a specific Medal. You can swap your currently active Medarot from the "Medal" screen on the main menu.
No. | Medarot | Medal | Unlocked from |
1 | A-Burage | Kuwagata | Start of game |
2 | A-Gedama | Bear | Mission #2 |
3 | Kin-Tarou | Bear | Mission #3 |
4 | Samurai | (unknown) | (unknown) |
5 | Rokusho | Kuwagata | Mission #11 |
6 | Tank Soldier | Tortoise | Mission #5 |
7 | Crow Tengu | Bat | Mission #6 |
8 | Sailormate | Kabuto | Start of game |
9 | Cyandog | Kabuto | Mission #19 |
10 | Metabee | Kabuto | Mission #13 |
11 | Rollstar | (unknown) | (unknown) |
12 | Yellowturtle | Tortoise | Mission #7 |
13 | Magical Pierrot | ? Medal | Mission #8 |
14 | Sekizou | Jellyfish | Mission #9 |
15 | Betty Bear | Bear | Mission #10 |
16 | Yuchitang | Kraken | Mission #12 |
17 | Pastel Fairy | Spider | Mission #1 |
18 | Trap Spider | Spider | Mission #14 |
19 | Propolis | Snake | Mission #15 |
20 | Maxsnake | Snake | Mission #16 |
21 | Magentacat | (unknown) | (unknown) |
22 | Auroraqueen | Queen | Mission #17 |
23 | CoffinBat | Bat | Mission #18 |
24 | Kanehachi | Kraken | Mission #25 |
25 | Teepee | (unknown) | (unknown) |
26 | HellPhoenix | Phoenix | Mission #20 |
27 | Mad Muscle | Unicorn | Mission #21 |
28 | Digmole | Unicorn | Mission #22 |
29 | Acehorn | (unknown) | (unknown) |
30 | Haniwa Golem | Monkey | Mission #23 |
31 | DonDoguu | Alien | Start of game |
32 | Shell Cushion | Jellyfish | Mission #33 |
33 | Volume 10 | Jellyfish | Mission #35 |
34 | Megaphant | (unknown) | (unknown) |
35 | Knight Armor | Knight | Mission #34 |
36 | Moon Dragon | Dragon | Mission #26 |
37 | Holynurse | (unknown) | (unknown) |
38 | Pure Mermaid | (unknown) | (unknown) |
39 | Flowercharge | Tortoise | Mission #31 |
40 | Pinguen | Penguin | Start of game |
41 | Landmotor | Wolf | Mission #30 |
42 | LadyJet | (unknown) | (unknown) |
43 | River Saucer | Kappa | Mission #27 |
44 | Blue Submarine | Kappa | Mission #37 |
45 | King Pharaoh | (unknown) | (unknown) |
46 | Doctor Study | Wolf | Mission #32 |
47 | Seven Colors | Chameleon | Mission #28 |
48 | Bunnyheart | (unknown) | (unknown) |
49 | Escarloader | Rabbit | Mission #36 |
50 | Kirabbit | Rabbit | Mission #29 |
Mission list[edit]
(rewards TBA)
# | Mission title | Description | Reward |
1 | Watch video 動画をみる |
View trailers and commercials from the Info screen INFOモードから、CMとトレイラーをみてみよう |
Spider Medal (No.17 Pastel Fairy) |
2 | Tap the Medarot banner メダロットバナーをタッチ |
Tap the Medarot banner located at the top of the screen 画面上部のメダロットバナーをタッチしてみよう |
Bear Medal (No.2 A-Gedama) |
3 | Check official website 公式サイトをチェックする |
Check the official website for Medarot Dual from the Info screen INFOモードから、メダロットDUALの公式サイトをチェックしよう |
Bear Medal (No.3 Kin-Tarou) |
4 | Change BGM BGMを変更する |
Change the background music from the Option screen OPTIONモードから、BGMを変更してみよう |
New BGM (M1 Tournament) |
5 | Tweet つぶやく |
Use the Twitter feature [Note: No longer works] ツイッター機能を利用してみよう |
Tortoise Medal (No.6 Tank Soldier) |
6 | Collect Oil from minigames ミニゲームでオイルを獲得 |
Collect Oil from minigames 5 times ミニゲームでオイルを5個獲得しよう |
Bat Medal (No.7 Crow Tengu) |
7 | Collect Energy from minigames ミニゲームでエネルギーを獲得 |
Collect Energy from minigames 5 times ミニゲームでエネルギーを5個獲得しよう |
Tortoise Medal (No.12 Yellowturtle) |
8 | Launch the app (1) アプリを起動する(1) |
Launch the app for a total of 10 days 累計10日間アプリを起動しよう |
? Medal (No.13 Magical Pierrot) |
9 | Launch the app (2) アプリを起動する(2) |
Launch the app for a total of 30 days 累計30日間アプリを起動しよう |
Jellyfish medal (No.14 Sekizou) |
10 | Launch the app (3) アプリを起動する(3) |
Launch the app for a total of 60 days 累計60日間アプリを起動しよう |
Bear Medal (No.15 Betty Bear) |
11 | Launch the app (4) アプリを起動する(4) |
Launch the app for a total of 90 days 累計90日間アプリを起動しよう |
Kuwagata Medal (No.5 Rokusho) |
12 | Complete A-Gedama ア・ゲダマーを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.2 "A-Gedama" メダロットNo.2の ア・ゲダマー を完成させよう |
Kraken Medal (No.16 Yuchitang) |
13 | Complete Kin-Tarou キン・タローを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.3 "Kin-Tarou" メダロットNo.3の キン・タロー を完成させよう |
Kabuto Medal (No.10 Metabee) |
14 | Complete Pastel Fairy パステルフェアリを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.17 "Pastel Fairy" メダロットNo.17の パステルフェアリ を完成させよう |
Spider Medal (No.18 Trap Spider) |
15 | Launch app everyday (1) 毎日アプリを起動する(1) |
Launch the app for 2 consecutive days 2日連続でアプリを起動しよう |
Snake Medal (No.19 Propolis) |
16 | Launch app everyday (2) 毎日アプリを起動する(2) |
Launch the app for 5 consecutive days 5日連続でアプリを起動しよう |
Snake Medal (No.20 Maxsnake) |
17 | Launch app everyday (3) 毎日アプリを起動する(3) |
Launch the app for 10 consecutive days 10日連続でアプリを起動しよう |
Queen Medal (No.22 Auroraqueen) |
18 | Launch app everyday (4) 毎日アプリを起動する(4) |
Launch the app for 15 consecutive days 15日連続でアプリを起動しよう |
Bat Medal (No.23 Coffinbat) |
19 | Launch app everyday (5) 毎日アプリを起動する(5) |
Launch the app for 30 consecutive days 30日連続でアプリを起動しよう |
Kabuto medal (No.9 Cyandog) |
20 | Pass the Meda-Checkup (1) メダ検に合格する(1) |
Pass the Meda-Checkup 1 time メダ検に1回合格しよう |
Phoenix Medal (No.26 HellPhoenix) |
21 | Pass the Meda-Checkup (2) メダ検に合格する(2) |
Pass the Meda-Checkup 5 times メダ検に5回合格しよう |
Unicorn Medal (No.27 Mad Muscle) |
22 | Pass the Meda-Checkup (3) メダ検に合格する(3) |
Pass the Meda-Checkup 10 times メダ検に10回合格しよう |
Unicorn Medal (No.28 Digmole) |
23 | Pass the Meda-Checkup (4) メダ検に合格する(4) |
Pass the Meda-Checkup 15 times メダ検に15回合格しよう |
Monkey Medal (No.30 Haniwa Golem) |
24 | Pass the Meda-Checkup (5) メダ検に合格する(5) |
Pass the Meda-Checkup 20 times メダ検に20回合格しよう |
Kabuto Medal (No.8 Sailormate) [?] |
25 | Complete 20 Medarots メダロットを20体完成させる |
Fully assemble 20 different Medarots メダロットを20体完成させよう |
Kraken Medal (No.24 Kanehachi) |
26 | Play minigames (1) ミニゲームをプレイする(1) |
Play minigames 100 times 100回ミニゲームをプレイしよう |
Dragon Medal (No.36 Moon Dragon) |
27 | Play minigames (2) ミニゲームをプレイする(2) |
Play minigames 500 times 500回ミニゲームをプレイしよう |
Kappa Medal (No.43 River Saucer) |
28 | Oil & Energy max エネルギーとオイル満タン |
Completely fill the Oil and Energy gauges by playing minigames ミニゲームでエネルギーとオイルを同時に満タンにしよう |
Chameleon Medal (No.47 Seven Colors) |
29 | Oil & Energy zero エネルギーとオイルを0 |
Allow both the Oil and Energy gauges to reach 0 エネルギーとオイルを0にしよう |
Rabbit Medal (No.50 Kirabbit) |
30 | Complete DonDoguu ドンドグーを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.2 "DonDoguu" メダロットNo.31の ドンドグー を完成させよう |
Wolf Medal (No.41 Landmotor) |
31 | Complete Pinguen ピンゲンを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.40 "Pinguen" メダロットNo.40の ピンゲン を完成させよう |
Tortoise Medal (No.39 Flowercharge) |
32 | Complete Megaphant メガファントを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.34 "Megaphant" メダロットNo.34の メガファント を完成させよう |
Wolf Medal (No.46 Doctor Study) |
33 | Complete Holynurse ホーリーナースを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.37 "Holynurse" メダロットNo.37の ホーリーナース を完成させよう |
Jellyfish Medal (No.32 Shell Cushion) |
34 | Complete Pure Mermaid ピュアマーメイドを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.38 "Pure Mermaid" メダロットNo.38の ピュアマーメイド を完成させよう |
Knight Medal (No.35 Knight Armor) |
35 | Complete Ladyjet レディジェットを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.42 "LadyJet" メダロットNo.42の レディジェット を完成させよう |
Jellyfish Medal (No.33 Volume 10) |
36 | Complete King Pharaoh キングファラオを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.45 "King Pharaoh" メダロットNo.45の キングファラオ を完成させよう |
Rabbit Medal (No.49 Escarloader) |
37 | Complete Bunnyheart バニーハートを完成させる |
Fully assemble Medarot No.48 "Bunnyheart" メダロットNo.48の バニーハート を完成させよう |
Kappa Medal (No.44 Blue Submarine) |
Unobtainable Medarots/Medals[edit]
(just leaving these here for now, will translate)
These Medarots have sprites and data in the game but are not obtainable through normal gameplay. They may have been a leftover from the Medarotch electronic toys, or were intended to be added with a future update which never happened.
[show]Medarots |
Likewise, these Medals are not used by any obtainable Medarots:
(list TBA)