Guide:Medarot 1 What are Medarot, Medals and Parts?
What is a Medarot?[edit]
Medarots are highly advanced robots with endless possibilities of customisation. A Medarot is made up of 3 basic components: The Tin-Pet, the Medal and the Parts. The Tin-Pet acts as a skeleton and will be the one you give a name (in Medarot 1, starting from Medarot 2 you name the medal instead). The medal is the heart and soul of the medarot and determine its "personality" and its "Nature". Finally, we have the parts. the parts dictate the actions and the role that a medabot will can take during Robottles. the parts consist of a head, right and left arms and the legs.
There are Male and Female Tin-Pets. When using a Male tin-pet, you will only be able to use Male parts and vice versa for Female Tin-Pets. You will know if a part is Female part if it has a heart next to the name of said in the "Parts" section of the "Info" menu.
In Medarot 1 it is possible to get up to 10 Tin-Pet, but you can only carry 9. The amount of M and the F Tin-Pets can vary depending of your choices during the game. 5 of the obtainable Tin-Pets are always Male and 2 are Female. The other 3 can be of the sex that you prefer. It should be noted that you will only find 7 Tin-Pets during the Main story and the rest can be obtained during the Post-game.
Lastly, it is not possible to rename your Tin-Pets so be careful with whatever name you choose to give them.
There are 28 medals in total, 14 of can be obtained during the events of the main story and postgame events. The other 14 medals are recieved by interacting with a player who has the opposite version.
First we have the main medals of each version: the Kabuto and Kuwagata medals, these are obtained at the start of your journey depending on the version you have chosen to play. you will also need to choose between the Devil, Dragon, Ninja and Angel medals during the game.
The rest of the medals can only be obtained by “transforming” them in link battles against another player. But for these a mechanic is used that consists of "stealing" a medal and having it transform into another according to the version of the game. The medals that make up this group are:
- Tortoise: You transform the Unicorn medal by battling the KBT version.
- Snake: You transform the Unicorn medal by battling the KWG version.
- Jellyfish: You transform the Ghost medal by battling the KBT version.
- Queen: You transform the Ghost medal by battling the KWG version.
- Bear: You transform the Knight medal by battling the KBT version.
- Kraken: You transform the Knight medal by battling the KWG version.
- Spider: You transform the Mermaid medal by battling the KBT version.
- Phoenix: You transform the Mermaid medal by battling the KWG version.
Medal Parameters[edit]
All medals have various parameters that allow for some degree of customization and open the possibility to adopt many styles of combat.
The parameters are as followed:
- Level/Rank: This is the "age" of a medal and is increased by gaining experience defeating enemies in Robottles. Every time a medal goes up by 6 levels it’s rank is raised and sometimes modifies its appearance. In total the Rank goes up to rank 9, after that it receives an "A" on the top of the medal, this is the maximum a medal can reach in terms of level/rank. The higher it's Rank, the more the "Mobility" of the leg parts increase.
- Attribute: This shows the category of parts that are compatible with this medal. if a part is compatible an icon will appear next to the parts name when building your Medarot.
- Bonuses: This is the value that represents the increase in "Power" that a compaatible part receives if its "Attribute" matches that of the medal. This value is fixed for each medal.
- Skill: This is the specific skill categories that a Medal has. Using parts repeatedly will increase that skills stats according to the part that is used. For example using a Reckless type skill will increase the Medal's Reckless stat.
Some of these will increase faster then others however, so keep this in mind.
The various skills that a medal can have are listed below:
- Strike: Simple physical attack that targets the nearest enemy. You can not block until the next action.
- Reckless: Powerful physical attack that targets the closest enemy and causes a chain reaction when hit. This means that if a part is destroyed by damage from a berser skill, the remaining damage will chain onto another part and cause damage to that part. This can continue on untill no damage is left to give or when the opponents Medarot ceases function. The "Power" and "Hit" increase according to the "Speed" of the Medarots equipped legs. You can not block or dodge until the next action.
- Shoot: Shot that fixes to a target. There is no penalty when using this skill.
- Snipe: Shot that sets target when given the command. The "Power" is increases by the "Speed" of the legs. It cannot dodge until the next action.
- Support: Increases allies' abilities and interrupts the opponent.
- Protect: Protect teammates and set traps.
- Heal: Heals, revives parts and removes negative statuses.
- Other: Skills related to the transformation of parts.
A Medals Nature[edit]
This is the personality of the medal and is divided into 3 factors: Attack, Defense and Special and varies according to each medal. each medal has a base Nature that is given when all three of these factors are equal. If one or two of these are greater or lower then the other, a different nature is given to the medal. For example the Kuwagata medal has equal factors for both strike and reckless, so is given the attack nature
The list of initial Natures for each medal:
# | Icon | Medal name | Japanese | Attribute | Nature |
A | ![]() |
Kuwagata | クワガタ | Fight | Attack |
B | ![]() |
Kabuto | カブト | Shooting | Attack |
C | ![]() |
Tortoise | トータス | Optical | Attack |
D | ![]() |
Jellyfish | クラゲ | Explosive | Attack |
E | ![]() |
Bear | クマ | Gravity | Attack |
F | ![]() |
Spider | クモ | Set-up | Defense |
G | ![]() |
Snake | ヘ・ビー | Flux | Attack |
H | ![]() |
Queen | クイーン | Stop | Attack |
I | ![]() |
Kraken | クラーケン | Bind | Attack |
J | ![]() |
Phoenix | フェニックス | Burn | Attack |
K | ![]() |
Unicorn | ユニコーン | Cancel | Special |
L | ![]() |
Ghost | ゴースト | Negate | Special |
M | ![]() |
Knight | ナイト | Defense | Defense |
N | ![]() |
Mermaid | マーメイド | Recovery | Special |
O | ![]() |
Penguin | ペンギン | Revival | Special |
P | ![]() |
Bat | コウモリ | Anti-Air | Defense |
Q | ![]() |
Kappa | カッパ | Anti-Sea | Defense |
R | ![]() |
Wolf | オオカミ | Scan | Defense |
S | ![]() |
Chameleon | カメレオン | Conceal | Defense |
T | ![]() |
Rabbit | ウサギ | Time | Special |
U | ![]() |
Monkey | サル | Uses | Defense |
V | ![]() |
Devil | デビル | Sacrifice | Attack |
W | ![]() |
Angel | エンジェル | Love | Defense |
X | ![]() |
Dragon | ドラゴン | Change | Special |
Y | ![]() |
Ninja | しのび | Sneak | Special |
Z | ![]() |
Alien | エイリアン | Transform | Defense |
AB | ![]() |
Cat | ネコ | Capricious | Special |
_ | ![]() |
? | ? | None | Special |
Knowing the Nature of a medal is very important because the dominant factor activates a special ability under certain conditions in a Robottle:
- If the Attack stat is higher: Increases the team's "Hit" as long as they use skills of the associated "Attribute".
- If the Defense stat dominates: Aim at targets with less "Armor" or with fewer parts active.
- If the Special stat is higher: Varies depending on the situation. If allies are wounded, increases the amount of healing, slightly increases the "Hit" of skills used or depending on the duration of a Robottle can it increase the “Hit” stat of the team even more.
The values of the Skills on a given medal, and therefore the Nature of the medal itself can be modified however. To modify the skill values of a medal, parts must be equipped with the specific skill that you wish to increase or decrease. values are changed when you win a robattle according to these few rules:
- If the 4 parts of a medabot are from Skill that share the same type, then the value of that skill on the medal is increases by 1.
- If there is a Skill that is not represented in an equipped part, then that value of that skill on the medal is reduced by 1.
- If the above rules are not met, nothing happens.
For example, if a medabot has "Optical" Attribute parts equipped,
"Shooting", "Burn" and "Flux", at the end of the robot the Attack factor will increase by 1 and the Defense and Special factors will decrease by 1.
if you then meet the required amount of skill values to increase or decrease one (or more) of the three factors (Attack, Defense and Special), then the nature of that medal will change.
Medaparts and their parameters[edit]
There are 4 types of parts: Head, Right Arm, Left Arm and Legs. Only the arms and head can perform Actions, but the legs are important for mobility. Each part of a Medarot is very important in battle. I will go over each part and talk about each of their function:
- Head: The most important and fragile part of a Medarot. If the heads armour is depleted, then the Medarot will cease function even if other Parts still have armour on them. The head part can perform skills but they use Ammunition. after this is depleted, the head action can no longer be performed.
- Arms: Divided between the Left and Right arm, these form the main weapon arsenal of a Medarot. both can perform actions to damage, heal, support, cause status effect, etc. if the armour of one of these parts is depleted, that parts is deactivated. it can however (unlike the head) still be revived by using a Revive Part.
- Legs: The part who decides the mobility and speed of a Medarot. when they are destroyed in a Robottle, the medarot's speed will decrease and it will have a hard time dodging. The legs also decide a lot of factors for other skills regarding Parts. I will go over these changes under the bullet points below.
The Medabot models are made up of a set of 4 different parts and are identifies with a proper name and a code of three letters followed by a number (LLL-#). However, each part also has a particular name and It will be the one you will see the most during the game.
In-game, each part has certain parameters that determine their performance in a Robottle. Some of these parameters work the same for all parts and others are exclusive to that type of part.
Head and Arms[edit]
- Attribute: Indicates the attribute from the parts, such as Grapple, Shooting, Optic, Anti-Air, ..., which affect the compatibility with the Medal. If a part is comlpatible with a certain medal, they will get a bonus in Power
- Action Type: The ability from the part, like Rifle and Sword. Each action has a Skill type.
- Armor: They are the "Health Points" of all parts. If it reaches 0 in combat the part will be disabled. Broken parts are automatically repaired after each Robottle.
- Succes: Also know as Rate of Succes. this means the chance of an action being succesfull against the opponent. this is affected by the opponents medarot's distance.
- Power: if an action is succesfull, then this represents the minimum amount of damage a part can cause to the opponent.
- Charge: The time it takes for an action to happen. this means the time between the medarot moving from the Command line to the Active Line.
- Cooldown: Also known as "Heat Release" (熱量 Netsuryō), "Heat Dissipation" (放熱 Hōnetsu), and Radiation. The reverse from Charge, the time it takes to do a new action after the previous one. This is the time it takes for the Medarot to return from the Active Line to the Commnand Line. The lower the value the faster that medarot will be.
- Uses: Exclusive to head parts. this represents the amount of times this ability can be used each Robottle. the Uses are automatically refilled after each Robottle.
- Propulsion: It slightly increases "Charge" and "Cooldown".
- Evasion: Determines the "Evasion Rate", the higher evasion is, the better chance a Medarot has of dodging an opponents attack.
- Defense: Displays the ability to defend against an attack, reducing the damage inflicted to the Armor.
- Proximity: Also known as Grapple (格闘 Kakutō) and "Grapple Resistance" (格耐) in other games. In most games it influences the success of Grapple (Strike and Reckless), Defend, and Heal type abilities used by the Medabot, while in some it improves the Medabot's resistance against those attributes
- Remoteness Also known as Shooting (射撃 Shageki) and "Shooting Resistance" (射耐) in other games. In most games it influences the success of Shooting (Shoot and Snipe), Support, and Interrupt type abilities used by the Medabot, while in some it improves the Medabot's resistance against those attributes.
Leg Type[edit]
Last but not least, I wanted to talk a bit about the Leg parts type. there are 7 types in total and they all vastly differ in performance depending on the terrain a Robottle takes place. The speed of a Medabot will increase or decrease depending if you have a Robottle on a terrain that the equiped legs excell at or underperform.
The equiped leg type will also change the Medarot's battle sprite and provides other specific bonusses. The different type of legs:
- Bipedal: Advantage in "Woods" Terrain. Balanced performance.
- Multi-leg: Advantage in "Mountain" Terrain. Improves melee attacks.
- Flying: Advantage in "Desert" terrains. Pieces with high "Mobility" and "Speed" but take extra damage from Actions with "Anti-Air" attribute.
- Hover: Unaffected by Terrain and has Balanced stats.
- Wheeled: Advantage in "City" Terrain. Improve actions with "Reckless" and "Snipe" Skills.
- Tank: Has high armor but is very slow on any terrain.
- Aquatic: Advantage in "Beach" Terrain. Has high "Mobility" and "Speed" but take extra damage from Actions with the "Anti-Sea" attribute.
This covers most of the important elements of a medarot. hopefully this has been helpfull in deciding how to build your own powerfull medabot. if you ever get stuck, then be sure to check out the next guide on how to beat Medarot 1.
Special Thanks[edit]
I would like to use this section to thank CarlosP on GameFAQ for making the Original Guide. Sadly due to lack of spare time he abandoned the english translation of the guide. He gave me permission to translate his guides and post them here on the medapedia so be sure to be on the lookout for guides for Medarot 1, 3, 4 and 5 in the future.
See Also[edit]
- Actions in Medarot 1 for a detailed look at the different actions that a part can perform during a Robattle.
- Parts in Medarot 1 for a detailed list of all 240 parts available.