Seseri Ogasawara

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Seseri Ogasawara is a character in Medarot 3. She is the supervisor of energy production at Earth Mall and has a dismissive attitude toward Medarots, seeing them as disposable tools.


When she was a young child, Seseri was taken care of by a childcare Medarot named Kogane. However, Seseri's parents became concerned that their daughter might grow up to prefer interacting with Medarots than other people and fired Kogane. As a result of Kogane's sudden dissapearance, Seseri became cold and uncaring toward Medarots.

When Ikki and his team arrive in Earth Mall, Seseri gives them a tour of the facility, giving them factoids about such elements as Earth Mall's simulated sky and self-sufficience. Ikki notices her strict attitude toward Medarots when she scolds some Medarots at the hydroponic bay for goofing off, and when she shows the group the Primity Baby that supplies all of Earth Mall's energy, she does understand Ikki's concerns, brushing them off by saying it is useful as a source of energy.

Later, Ikki is told by Asama of Seseri's childhood and finds through the rental records that Kogane was Seseri's caretaker. She is told by Ikki but Seseri is unamused, grimply replying if Asama was the one to tell Ikki about that and goes to scold Kogane for growing flowers. Eventually, Ikki learns from her that a cat-like creature has been messing with the crops but when Ikki goes to run after her, Seseri reminds him to not run in the laboratory, which makes him lose track of Viridiana.

When the RoboRobo Gang sabotage the reactor room, Seseri goes to the Geoport to be evacuated. When she tells the kids that the Medarot workers in Earth Mall have not been evacuated, Ikki and his friends go back to save them and Seseri chases after them with Asama. They arrive in them to witness Kogane calming Primity Baby down with the lullaby she used to sing to Seseri as a child.

After the situation has calmed down, Seseri is at the Geoport to bid farewell to the Medalympics team. Ikki notices that she had Kogane rebuild as a childcare model.