Guide:Medarot 1 Complete walkthrough

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(Originally written by: Kimbles, rewritting done by user:Spadonking|Spadonking)

This guide goes over the first Medarot game in details. We will be going over locations to visit, side objectives that can be completed, What enemies will be battled ... This guide is based on a written guide from CarlosP on Gamefaq (Credits at the end of the guide). this guide was written in Spanish but I will be writing it in English. I hope that this guide can be useful to you when trying to complete the game.

Note: This guide is based on the Kuwagata Version of Medarot 1. there might be slight differences in items/medals/parts obtainable. I will try to put version specific stuff in the guide if possible. if you need to check which medals are available in which version, then check this guide on which medals can be "stolen" from which version via link battling.

!Warning! This guide does contain ALL story elements for the entire game so there are HUGE spoilers up ahead. If you do not want the story to get spoiled (when you are playing the English patch for ex.), try the game out for yourself before reading. if you do get stuck however, then this guide will be sure to help you out.

Before we start

Medarot 1 has a lot of events and side objectives that can only be completed at certain point in the main story campaign. be sure to complete each of these objectives before continuing the story so you can get everything that the game has to offer.

This game also features 3 possible endings depending on the actions that you perform during your gameplay. without going over plot points, the endings you can obtain are the "Kirara ending", the "Nae ending" and the "Chick Seller ending" Nae's ending is the most difficult ending to pull off but rewards you with the UNI-0 Acehorn model and the Devil/Dragon Medal depending on which version you play. The "Kirara ending" is easier then Nae's ending and rewards you the PEN-0 Pinguen Model and the Angel/Ninja medal. If you meet none of the requirements for the two previous endings, you will get the "Chick Seller ending". This ending gives you a useless but pretty Blue Chick as a key-item. In the Perfect Edition, the Blue Chick ending is a way of getting multiple Magentacat parts.

Throughout this guide I will be going over the events you need to complete to get each ending. keep in mind that in order to get the reward at the end of the game you will have to complete a small post-game event to get the mentioned items. these will be explained in "chapter 10 Post-game events and rewards".

With that out of the way, let's get this guide started!

First steps

  • Before the story starts you need to name your character. The default name is Hikaru, but if you want to name your character something else then that is completely fine but don't forget to press START after naming your character.
  • Kirara will go over the basics of what a Medarot is and how they work. if you want a more detailed explanation on what a Medarot is then go over to this Guide for more info.
  • You will start the game in your bedroom. go downstairs and talk to your Mother. She wants you to take your dog Bonaparte to the PARK.
  • Leave your house and go to the park to find your dog Bonaparte. You play fetch with Bonaparte but accidentaly hit a member of the Roborobo gang. He runs away and drops a medal/
  • retrieve the medal that was dropped and bring it to the Select Office in the town. it's a big building in the upper right corner of the map.
  • the assistant will tell you to keep the medal as a reward for a good sport bringing it back. If you talk to her again you will receive 5 RoboRobo Medals. These are necessary if you want to flee a battle.
  • Go back home and talk to your Father. He will give you a Tin-Pet and your first 4 parts, KBT-0 Metal Beetle or KWG-0 Head Scissors and $5,000. From this point onward you can open the main menu (don't forget to save often!)
  • Talk to Mom and she will tell you to go to school (video games let me go to school!?). on the way you will see a building with a big "24" next to it. this is the Mini-Super. There you can buy Parts to upgrade your Medarot. sadly they are restocking at the moment so you can ignore it for now.
  • Go to school in the upper left corner of the map and go to your classroom. it is the second room to the left on 1F.

Note: If you enter the girls bathroom that is on the left of your classroom, you will lose the ability to complete "Nae" ending.

  • Once inside the classroom, the teacher will give you a "Town Map" key-item. you can use this to see all the different districts you can visit as well as your current location. Kirara will ask you a question and you must return to the park.
  • you can now purchase parts as the Mini-Super in case that you want to improve your Medarot.
  • When you arrive at the park you will be greeted by Yanma and Kubota (two of your "rivals" in the game, you will meet the third member later on). Yanma will ask you a question, afterwards you will face both Yanma and Kubota one after the other.

  • You will be fighting Yanma first. He uses Cyandog (DOG-0) Parts. He has not that much resistance but be careful because he is fast and if you are using Head Scissors, he can knock you out in two turns.
  • after defeating Yanma, you will be facing Kubota. He uses Yellowturtle (TOT-0) parts. He is also fast and with his "Laser" he can eliminate any of your parts. His weak point are his arm, because they have little armor and are his only source of damage as well. If you can destroy it's arms then you have technically won.

Note: Winning or losing these two battles won't matter too much for now. if you win a fight you normally get one of the opponents parts. But if you lose, you will lose one of your own parts. this is important to know because at the moment the only Medarot you have is your starter. If you lose at this point in the game you would instantly Game-Over. But in these two fights you won't win or lose any parts so see these as a practice round for the future.

  • After these battles the South exit connects to "Harbor Town" is now open. Remember, the teacher mentioned something about sharks on the beach. So it might be a good idea to do some investigation (I think...).

With this we conclude the Prologue of Medarot 1!

Sharks in the Harbor!

Note: In places outside of your hometown, random Medarotters want to Robottle you so be prepared for anything. As I mentioned above, when you win against them you win one of their parts. But if you lose at this point in the game, it will be an instant Game-Over. So be sure to save your progress often!. I will be making a separate at the bottom of this guide for all the different random encounters in each area. so be sure to check it often to find out where to find the parts you need.

  • If you enter the Mini-Super in this town, you will find a Roborobo Gang member. Be careful when you talk to him because this is an incredibly difficult fight because he has two Medarot since you only have one right now. He uses Coffin Bat (BAT-0) parts. This fight is not story related and you will only get the same rewards as any other random encounter (plus a Roborobo medal) so you can skip him if you want.
  • Enter the cavern in the Southern part of the map and you will be stopped by Reika, a Roborobo executive and be challenged to a Robottle. She uses Yuchitang (SAK-0) parts. This model uses "Gravity" type attacks. these deal huge damage if the opponent can not defend. Be extremely careful if you are using Head Scissors and specifically it's "Hammer' skill!
  • After defeating Reika, enter the cave and here you will find your first opponents that use two Medarot.
  • If you go around to the left corner of the area you will find a box containing the "Knight" Medal (very good for the aforementioned tank).
  • From there head north across the bridge and then continue up until you see a set of stairs in the lower right corner. go up those stairs to find a secret area with some boxes to interact with. Interacting with the stacked boxes gives you a Male Tin-Pet while the box on the left contains the head part "Headband" (CLA-01).
  • now exit the cave and talk to the old fisherman on the beach. He will give you the right arm "vs. Water", the left arm "Spray Water" and the "Screw" legs, all belonging to the MRN-0 Model. He will also give you a "fresh fish" and will tell you to bring this to the mayor of the "Mountain Village". Talking to him several more times will grant you the "Password 1 - Zu" which was a key item used for an event in Japan.
  • return to town and this would be a good moment to make use of your newly acquired Tin-Pet. check out the Mini-Super for any interesting parts or fight some more random encounters for the parts you want.
  • Before continuing go to the park and talk to Kirara. She will face you in a Robottle using Sailormate (SLR-0) parts. This model is very basic and easy to defeat even with only one Medarot. You can fight her as many times as you see fit as long as you don't continue the story.
  • Now go to the left exit of town and you will be interrupted by Yanma who this time wants to settle the score and will challenge you to a Robottle. if you need to do some more prep then you can say "NO" but this is a mandatory fight to continue. He will be using Cyandog (DOG-0) parts just as last time but this time you have one more Medarot so it should be way easier then before. You will also receive a part if you win the match. after winning the battle you will now have access to the "Medarot Laboratory" area.
  • When entering the "Medarot Laboratory" area, the first girl you meet want to Robottle you. She will be using Pastel Fairy (FLY-0) and Sailormate (SLR-0) parts. This fight can be done as many times as you want.
  • You wil be able to fight Roborobo Gang members as random encounters. these drop Roborobo medals when you win which can be useful in tight spots to avoid Robottling.
  • There is nothing of note here to do yet so continue north to reach "Mountain Village".

With this we conclude chapter 1!

The Mountain and the Monkey

  • In the "Mountain Village" area, first go talk to the mayor who is located in the house on the north side of town. when giving him the fresh fish and talking to him again he will ask you to bring him some "Mountain Soil".
  • Before heading to the mountains, talk to the girl outside of the Mayors house. She will tell you that a monkey stole her medal? Sound interesting. also don't forget to have at least $1.000 with you (you can get 41 Roborobo medals this way). you can earn money by selling spare parts at the Mini-Super.
  • When you are ready, go through the Northern exit and you will come to a lake which you will have to cross via a bridge.
  • Once you crossed the bridge, continue onward until you enter the "Mountainside".
  • A little bit north of where you started you will find a lonely tree. Interacting with it will give you a Rhino or Stag Beetle. this can be sold later on. interacting with the tree after receiving a beetle will make you drop it and you lose that beetle.
  • continue along the path until you pass a small puddle. in a set of trees above said small puddle next to the right edge of the map a crow will appear and steal your $1.000. leave the area and immediately return to the spot to find 41 Roborobo medals.
  • continue to the next area to find a few Medarot relaxing in the lake. it turns out that those are actually Monkeys except for the left one. That is Inago, one of the Roborobo gangs executives. After talking to him, will he challenge you to a Robottle.
  • Inago uses Monkey Gong (MON-0) parts. Not a difficult battle per se, will take a bit longer as Monkey Gong not only has good mobility, but will also lower the success rate of your attacking parts. it is best to use a skill such as "Radar" from Head Scissors or Doctor Study (which was being sold in shop in your hometown) to increase your success rate.
  • After defeating Inago, you will receive the Mermaid medal and the "Girls Medal" Key-item which as you remember is the medal that was stolen from the girl next to the Mayors house.
  • now head to the right and go to the small shrine. interact with the small space to the left of it to obtain "Mountain Soil". You can also interact with the shrine to get the "Medal-like coin" which can later be used to obtain an actual medal. if you interact with the shrine for a second time and return the coin, you will receive password 2 (I advise NOT to return the coin as the passwords are useless at this point in time).
  • with everything in hand return to the "Mountain Village" and return the stolen medal to the girl to receive the head part Smoke Gas (MON-01). Bring the "Mountain Soil" to the mayor to receive...nothing... you won't get anything right now but he will be useful later.
  • Go back to the "Medarot Laboratory" and enter the building with the same name at the top. take the northern stairs and talk to the scientist on the left side of the central platform in the room. you will give him the "Medal-like Coin" and he will give you the "Chameleon" medal instead!
  • from here on go outside and head for the left exit of the "Medarot Laboratory" area. There you will meet Kubota who will now challenge you to a Robottle.
  • Kubota uses Yellow Turtle (TOT-0) parts and only uses one Medarot to fight you. Not a difficult fight but be sure to destroy his arms as fast as possible.
  • After defeating Kubota, you will gain access to the "Shopping District".

With this we conclude chapter 2!

Assault on Select HQ!

  • The "Shopping District" area is just an area to pass through, but it is the perfect spot to do some part shopping. noteworthy spots are the "Import Shop" which sells MagentaCat (CAT-0) and Holy Nurse (NAS-0) parts. both can be incredibly useful if you want a stunner or healer in your party. Other then that, there is nothing noteworthy to do here so you can continue to the left exit to enter the "Medarot Company" area.
  • go to the big building in the center of the map, this is the "Medarot Company" building. here you need to go upstairs and talk to the scientist on the bottom of the room. He will give you the head part "Anti-Water" (MRN-0).
  • After acquiring the head part, you can exit the "Medarot Company" and return to the "Shopping District" From here on out go along the path to the southern exit to enter the "Downtown" area.
  • The downtown area is also just a pass-through but I do recommend going past the Mini-Super to trigger a small event. When trying to enter a guy will challenge you to a race. if you say no then the event just ends. But if you say yes he will run away and leave a key-item "Medanot" behind. this can later be sold for $20.000 so it is definitely worth it.
  • head for the left exit to go to the "Select Headquarters" area. You will however be stopped by Iseki and challenged to a Robottle.
  • Iseki uses Magentacat (CAT-0) parts. she is not particularity powerful or resistant but is really fast and can inflict "stop" to your bots so be cautious when fighting her.
  • after beating Iseki you have access to the "Select Headquarters" area. But you will still have to cross a small bridge to get to it.
  • Inside the Headquarters you have one goal: get to the roof. but on the way you can find some chests with some interesting goodies.
  • The first chest is located on the 2nd floor but can only be accessed by going up the south set of stairs on the 1st floor. This chest contains 6 Roborobo medals.
  • The second chest is located behind a door on the 3rd floor. this chest contains a ninja who when interacted with, will challenge you to a Robottle. The ninja uses one Medarot with Ninja-Ninja (NIN-0) and Seven Colors (CMO-0) parts. After beating the Ninja he will give you the Head part "Cover-up" (MOG-01).
  • During your ascent to the 4th floor you will see a Roborobo gang member. Follow him up the north stairs to the roof. cross the bridge to meet a crow who turns out to be Suzume, the third executive of the Roborobo gang who will challenge you to a Robottle.
  • Suzume uses two Medarot equipped with Crow Tengu (CRW-0) parts. DO NOT use flying parts for this fight since she will do extra damage to them thanks to her "Anti-Air" parts. If you have "Anti-Air" parts then equip them to win the fight a bit more easily.
  • When you defeat her you will receive the "Ghost" medal and also fall through the ceiling and your main Medarot is broken in the process! But don't worry because dad fixes it right up for you and also gives you a new Male Tin-Pet to boot.

With this we conclude chapter 3!

Treasure Hunting at the Digging site!

  • After Beating Suzume and getting your Medarot fixed, it is time to visit the "Insect Professors Laboratory" area. go back to the "Shopping District" and go up north. there is a house, enter it and interact with the left window. when doing so you will go through and enter the "Insect Professor's Laboratory" area.
  • If you have the "Beetle" item from the "Mountain Village", you can enter the Laboratory and talk to the scientist on the top of the room. he will buy it from you for $800. You can do this as many times as you want but remember that you can only hold one "Beetle" at a time.
  • Now go through the left exit to reach the "Medal Digging Site area".
  • first thing to do here is go the the building on the top center of the area, this is the "Medal Museum". inside the museum interact with the window on the top of the first floor between the two bookshelf's to receive the "Bat" medal and the "Quick Legs" part. If you don't do this now and continue with the story then you won't get another chance to obtain these so definitely do this first!
  • To continue the story get to the mining cart that is in the center of the map and get closer to it. by doing this, Reika the Roborobo executive will appear and challenge you to a Robottle. She uses three Medarot with Yuchitang (SAK-0), Hellphoenix (PHX-0) and Crow Tengu (CRW-0) parts (bring "Anti-Air" parts if possible!).
  • Immediately after beating Reika you will go up against another Roborobo executive, Typhoon who uses three Hellphoenix (PHX-0) so be prepared before fighting Reika because this will not be easy.
  • When defeating Both Reika and Typhoon you will get your picture taken by a photographer. afterwards you will be in your room. Don't forget to talk to Bonaparte because he will give you a "Roborobo Suit" (Don't ask me how he got this...). When talking to dad he will tell you that a reward is available for you at the Select Corps station in town.
  • Go to the Select Corps. station in your town. The clerk will ask if you want a Female Tin-Pet. if you say no he will give you a Male Tin-Pet instead. you will get another Male Tin-Pet soon so choosing the Female one is not such a bad idea for more team variety.

Note: There will now be some side quests available to complete. Before going to class (and continuing the story) it would be best to tackle these now as you will not get another chance to complete these if you do continue the story. I will be going over these side quests below so be sure to check them out.

  • Go back to the "Insect Professor's Laboratory" (by going through the window in the house on the north side of the "Shopping District"). Enter and once inside talk to the scientist in the bottom right of the lab, he will challenge you to a Robottle. He uses two Medarot with Flowercharge (FLW-0) and Doctor Study (BOK-0) parts. by defeating him you will receive a spare head part for your starter (Head Scissors or Metal Beetle respectively).
  • From here go back to the "Medarot Laboratory" and talk to the scientist who is in the north upper corner. He will give you the "Name tag" Key-item. with this you can now access a locked door on the ground floor.

Note: to get Nae's ending talk to the girl who is sitting in front of a computer in the now accessible room. Also AVOID the unrestricted area in the top of the room where you can see several Tin-Pets lying around because going there will instantly lose you Nae's ending.

  • If you are NOT interested in Nae's ending, then you can go into the restricted area (but don't forget to save beforehand!). if you enter said area there is a chance that you can obtain a parts of the "King Pharaoh" (EGT-0) model. But there is also a chance that you will get a soft reset which boots you back to the title screen. you can then do this any many times as you like to get all parts but you will get more chances to obtain these parts via four Robottles later on. this does not negatively affect Kirara's ending!
  • Afterwards go back to the ""Medal Digging Site" and go through the north exit to enter "Dad's Hometown".
  • Go north until you see a cabin on the right side of the map. this cabin belongs to your grandparents! When entering and talking to grandpa he will want to Robottle you.
  • Inesaku (Grandpa) uses two Medarot with Moon Dragon (DRA-0) parts. This battle is no threat because Moon Dragon has no attacking parts. he does however posses parts that can heal/ revive parts and support (success-up). Try getting the head or arms because they can be useful late on.
  • Once the battle is over, head for the upper left exit to enter the "Observatory" area.
  • Enter the Observatory and talk to the receptionist to buy a "Star Piece" for $300. Having this item is REQUIRED to get Nae's endings.
  • Go back to school to continue the main story. Enter your classroom and have a mini dialogue about a tournament being held at the "Local Shrine", but first a few more side quests.
  • Go o the third floor and enter the door on the far left. talk to the teacher and he will tell you that he lost a book. Now go to the roof and talk to the statue that looks like a Medarot, it will challenge you to a Robottle.
  • The Moving statue uses three Medarot using Sekizou (GLM-0) parts. This model is quite offensive and defensive so be sure to bring parts with high armor and power. try to win any part other then the left arm part "homing" (GLM-0) because after the battle he will give it to you as well as the "Difficult Book" Key-item.
  • Go back to the teacher on the third floor and give him the "Difficult Book". In return he will give you the "Search Radar" (BOK-0) part for bringing his book back.
  • On that same floor go to the Principles office on the far right and enter without "knocking". when talking to him he will challenge you to a Robottle.
  • the Principle will fight using two Medarot with Samurai (SAM-0) parts. even though he uses only two Medarot, the Samurai model is a formidable opponent not to be messed with. All parts have the "Melee" attribute but are "beam" actions with high "armor", "Success Rate" and "Power". the left arm also causes Piercing, so each hit will do A LOT of damage.
  • Beating him will net you one of those powerful parts. I recommend to try and get the head part "Samurai Blast" or the Left arm "Samurai Saber" part. The latter is really good boost for the Kuwagata medal if you chose that version. Be warned that you only have TWO attempts to get his parts (once now and once in the Post-Game). which means that it is impossible to complete it's model without trading (or cheating...) so be sure to get the best fitting parts with each fight.
  • You can now also challenge the "Gym Teacher" at the pool on the ground level of the school to a Robottle. He uses three Medarot equipped with Megaphant (ELF-0) parts. This fight is REALLY tedious and does not affect the story. you can challenge him as much as you like (and your sanity allows...).

With this we conclude chapter 4!

Let's Robottle! the City and District Tournament!

  • Leave school to go to the "Local Shrine" via the north exit. talk to the seller at the northern kiosk (which by the way is the "Chick Seller") and he will let you buy a full set of Hellphoenix (PHX-0). It does not cost much so is definitely a great buy.
  • If you want to obtain the remaining password pieces (if not skip this), talk to the guy in front of the alter near a dog statue to test your luck. pay him $50 per spin and try to get "Great Luck". that way you will get "Password 3 Ke".
  • Now we can get started on the "City Tournament". enter the arena on the left side of the map for Yuuki to appear. He will tell you how the tournament will work. after him being bombarded by an invisible enemy (for some reason...), it is time for the first round against Yanma.
  • Yanma uses two Medarots with a combination of Cyandog (DOG-0) and Yellowturtle (TOT-0) parts. By now you have battled them enough to know that this will be pretty easy.
  • After beating Yanma and entering the arena for a second time will start the second round against Kubota. He uses three Medarot with Yellowturtle (TOT-0) parts. similar to the previous battle, this should be pretty easy. Especially if you have a defensive Medarot with you to take the hits.
  • After beating Kubota and re-entering the arena for the third time, the finals will begin. This time you will face off against Paddy.
  • Paddy uses only one Medarot which is a Betty Bear (BER-0). Talk about a letdown... But with this, the "City Tournament" is over and you are the winner! You now qualify for the "District Tournament" in the basement of the "Medarot Company".
  • Be careful when wanting to leave because as soon as you leave the arena, Inago will appear and challenge you to a Robbotle!
  • Inago fights using three Medarot featuring Monkey Gong (MON-0), Escarloader (INT-0) and Crow Tengu (CRW-0) parts. you should already have enough experience with these models so this should not be an issue at all.

Note: if you are looking for Nae's ending, go to the "Medarot Laboratory" for a side quest. If not, then you can skip this part.

  • talk to Nae and accept her request. Nae will gift you the leg part "Angel Leg" (ANG-0). When you are ready, talk to her again and she will want to Robbotle you. She will face you using Pastel Fairy (FLY-0), Bunnyheat (BNY-0), LadyJet (PLN-0) and Heal Angel (ANG-0) parts. when defeating her, try going for one of the Heal Angel arms. You will get the other parts later and only have two chances of getting these parts so save beforehand. Answer "YES" to her question. This does not necessarily affect the ending but better safe then sorry.

  • you can now proceed to the "Medarot Company". Before entering the basement, go to the upper floor and talk to the scientist who gave you the head of (MRN-01). He will now give you the "Mini Handle" Key-Item. This vehicle will let you move faster in the over-world (like the bike in Pokemon games).
  • To continue the story, go to the basement of the "Medarot Company" and enter the arena in the center of the Basement.
  • The first round of the "District Tournament" is against Iseki. Iseki uses three Medarot with Magentacat Parts. Just like her original fight, she is not particularly strong but fast and can stop you in your tracks.
  • The second round is against Paddy. This time she uses three Medarot using Betty Bear parts. This time she is not as easy as in the previous tournament, but not as hard either.
  • The third fight is against the "Mysterious" Beauty. She uses three Medarot with LadyJet (PLN-0), Magentacat (CAT-0) and Pinguen (PEN-0) parts. non of her parts can be lethal against you unless you use flying parts as "LadyJet" focuses on "Anti-Air" and Pinguen can revive destroyed parts. If you are not interested in Kirara's ending, then this is the only chance of obtaining any of Pinguen's parts.
  • For the final round, you will be going against Yuuki. He use three Medarot using a combination of Landmotor (CAR-0) and Rollstar (RAY-0) parts. Landmotor has "Anti-air" attacks so be careful with flying parts. But his true potential comes from his ability to increase "Hit" and Rollstar's more then decent "Laser" skills. When beating Yuuki, try going for one of Landmotor's parts as you only have three chances (the rest must be gotten via trading...).
  • right after the tournament has ended will you appear at school. from here on out you can do a few side quests.

Note: You will go to the "National Tournament" regardless of result so winning or losing does not matter except for ONE small thing. When visiting Yuuki at his house in the "Medarot Company" area, he will give you a complete set of "Crow Tengu" (CRW-0) parts as a "consolation" prize (how generous of him).

With this we conclude chapter 5!

Ninja's everywhere! Visit to Shinobic Park

  • Talk to the principle in his office. He will not challenge you, but instead tells you about his friend that works at the "Antique Shop" which will now be open to visit.
  • Before leaving the school, go to the Nurse's office on the left of the stairs on the ground floor. Talking to her triggers a Robottle. She uses two Medarot with LadyJet (PLN-0), Holy Nurse (NAS-0) and Pastel Fairy (FLY-) parts. Defeating will net you the "Unicorn" medal (which is great to use for a healer).
  • Go to the "Antique Shop" located right above your house. you can buy Moon Dragon parts from this shop (for a high but fair price). it's a good idea to at least own one full set.
  • After talking to the shop keeper, you can talk to the old man standing on the right. He will give you a "lottery ticket". You can get 7 of these by talking to the shop keeper (even when not buying anything) and then talking to the man again. Warning! If you talk to the shop keeper twice in a row without talking to the man on,the right in between, you will lose access to one of the tickets.

Note: The following event is important for Nae's ending and optional for Kirara's ending.

  • Go see Nae in the "Medarot Laboratory" and she will give you the head part "Angel Body" (ANG-01) and afterwards accept her challenge.
  • Nae will fight you using two Medarot equipped wiht Pastel Fairy (FLY-0), Bunnyheat (BNY-0), LadyJet (PLN-0) and Heal Angel (ANG-0) parts. If you followed the other notes regarding her ending, you should now only be missing one arm part of "Heal Angel" (ANG-0), if not then you miss out on completing the set.
  • Finishing up with Nae, go to the "Observatory" next and meet up with Nae who will be at the entrance and answer "YES" to her question.

The following event does not affect the story, nor the endings. This event will take a bit of time, money and you won't see any direct results. but if you do decide to do it, you can receive spare arm parts for you starter Medarot. If you do decide to skip it, I will mark where the story continues by marking it "The story Continues".

  • Before we start however, you will be needing a full set of "Moon Dragon" (DRA-0): "Healing Water", "Revival Spring" and "Dragon's Bed" for this.
  • When you are ready go to the "Medarot Company" and enter the house on the lower-right corner and there Reika wants to challenge you. She fights using only one "Yuichitang" (SAK-0) which should be no issue.
  • Now go to the "Observatory" and talk to the woman on the lower-left part of the screen. she turns out to be a Roborobo gang member and steal one of your "Healing" Water parts. exit and re-enter the area and go back to the place you lost the part. in the large rock on the right will you find a Male Tin-Pet and "Pottery" instead.
  • Now go to the "Medarot Company" area and talk to the old man in the lower left corner of the map. he reveals to also be a Roborobo and will steal your "Dragon's Bed" part.
  • Lastly go to the "Park" and there talk to the boy in the upper-left corner. He will take "Revival Spring" from you. It's not a Roborobo this time but he will still disappear. You will not get anything right now, but when you complete the National Tournament go back and talk to the boy. not only will he give back the stolen parts, but he will also give you spare arm and leg parts for your starter.

The story continues

  • Next to the Mini-Super of the "Shopping District" area there is a "lottery". You can use the "Lottery Tickets" you obtained earlier here for prizes. The goal here is to obtain a "Shinobi Ticket" ("しのびチケットをて"). This will be used to enter "Shinobic Park". Other prizes include Roborobo Medals and Stag Beetles/ Rhino Beetles. The items you receive are random so don't forget to save before trying!
  • Talk to the receptionist to give her your lottery ticket, then proceed to the computer for your result.
  • Once you obtained the "Shinobi Ticket", head over to the "Insect Professor's Laboratory" area (if you received any beetles when doing the lottery, now is your chance to sell them).
  • Go into the house on the far north and go through the window. Warning! when going through the window, you will lose the "Shinobi Ticket". This means if you accidentally exit "Shinobic Park", you will NOT be able to enter again without another "Shinobi Ticket" So be carefull and save before/after entering.
  • The shop slightly north sells "Nin-Ninja" (NIN-0) (only the head and legs), "Get-Ready" (KNI-0) and the most important "Auroraqueen" (QUN-0) and "LadyJet" (PLN-0) parts. This is the only place to buy AuroraQueen and LadyJet parts so be sure to get a set if you can (if not then you can still get them in the Post-Game).
  • Next to the shop is an altar. When interacting with the altar you will receive the head part "Mist Net" (NIN-01). Interact for a second time to receive "Ninja Legs" (NIN-04). If you interact with the altar for the third time, you will lose NIN-01's head but you will gain the arm parts "Kunai" (NIN-01) and "Ninjato" (NIN-02).
  • Now go to the "Ninja Mansion which is near the entrance of the park.
  • go up the stairs on the left and on the next floor interact with the scroll hanging on the wall. You will be transported to a dark room which you will need to advance like this:
    • Go up until you hit a wall.
    • Turn right and move forward until you come across another wall.
    • Walk down as far as you can.
    • From there move to the right as far as possible.
    • Go down again as much as possible.
    • Turn left and walk only 4 steps.
    • Go up until you touch another wall.
    • Go left as far as possible.
    • Go up again.
    • Walking all the way to your right

  • When you have done all this, you will find Susume and when you talk to her she will challenge you to a robottle.
  • Suzume will fight you using three Medarot with Crow Tengu (CRW-0), Yuichitang (SAK-0) and Monkey Gong (MON-0) parts. After defeating Suzume, you will descent A LOT of floors before landing.
  • Before you continue, talk to the girl that is in the current room to obtain a Female Tin-Pet.
  • Still being in the current room with the girl, ascent the stairs in the corbner of the room and interact with the drawer on the next floor to obtain the head part "Invisi-Body" (CMO-0).
  • To leave the mansion, go back to the floor with the girl who gave you the Tin-Pet and interact with the scroll hanging on the wall. You will now return to the ground floor of the mansion and you will NOT be able to go back to previous rooms in the mansion.

With this you have done everything there is to do in "Shinobic Park" and conclude chapter 6. Remember that if you leave you won't be able to come back until the Post-Game so be sure that you did everything and grabbed every part you need/want before leaving.

Infiltrate! Mission at Roborobo Base!

  • Next stop is the "Mountain Village". There talk to the mayor and give him the "Pottery". he will break the item and give you a complete set of "DonDoguu" (DGU-0) in the KAbuto version or "Haniwa Golem" (HNI-0) in the Kuwagata version. You will be able to get the opposite versions model during the Post-Game.
  • Go to the "Local Shrine" in your hometown and go to the northern part of the map. After a short dialogue will you enter the "Forbidden Zone" and put on the "Roborobo Suit". Warning! Once you enter DO NOT exit the area before completing everything that there is to do here. Doing so will lose you the "Roborobo suit" and the ability to come back to the "Forbidden Zone".
  • As you advance in the zone there will be a fork in the road. first take the bottom path and go use the stairs at the bottom.
  • Talk to the "Roborobo Gang" member in the room you just entered to challenge him to a Robottle. He uses two "Coffin Bat" (BAT-0) so he should not be easy to beat. Defeating the Roborobo grants you the "Roborobo Card" (you will need this later).
  • Go back to the previous floor and this time take the northern path instead.
  • On the next floor interact with the box in the upper left corner to get a "Roborobo Badge" and the "Abdomen" (BEE-04) legs. Interact with the box on the left of the table to get the head part "Hexadon" (BEE-01).
  • Go to the right and take the stairs on the upper right corner.
  • In the next room talk to the Roborobo Member and answer "NO" to his question to receive a "Roborobo medal" and the complete "Coffin Bat" (BAT-0) set.
  • Now enter the platform to start the "62nd Roborobo Gang strongest Tournament". The first round is against a "Roborobo Grunt" (go figure...). He uses two "Coffin Bat" (BAT-0) which should be easy to take down.
  • After finishing the first round, the second round begins immediately. This time you will face another Grunt. He uses three Medarot equipped with Crow Tengu (CRW-0), Hellphoenix (PHX-0), Monkey Gong (MON-0) and Yuichitang (SAK-0) parts.
  • The third and final round will begin immediately and the opponent you face is exactly the same as the last fight. After beating him will he give you the "Devil Legs" (DVL-04) leg part.
  • When you talk to him for the second time, answer "YES", otherwise you will leave the "Forbidden Zone" and you will miss out on the next event.
  • If you have the "Roborobo Card", talk to the Roborobo in the back to face him in a Robottle.
  • You will be fighting against Typhoon who uses three Medarot using Maxsnake (SNA-0), Hellphoenix (PHX-0) and Yuichitang (SAK-0) parts. By winning this fight will you receive the "Conductor's Baton", "Boss Photo" and the "Monkey" Medal. You can now leave via the exit and return to the "Local Shrine".

With this we conclude chapter 7!

Fierce Battle! Let The National Tournament Commence!

  • After a long intermission, it is finally time to start the National Tournament!
  • But before the tournament starts, head left of the entrance to the "Tournament Hotel" where foreign participants and visitors will be staying. In the hotel area there is a girl in front of the computer who if talked to, will have a Robottle with you. Tawarama will battle you using three King Pharaoh's (EGT-0). King Pharaoh parts are very rare and this is the first of four chances to get parts for him (if you didn't get them with the event of the "Medarot Laboratory". See Treasure Hunting at the Digging site! for more info). So be sure to save before starting the Robottle.
  • Next up be sure to check the import shop near the south port. They sell "Beast Master" (WEA-0) parts. indeed the very powerfull WEA-O model is for sale in this shop. they do however cost a pretty penny so be sure to stock up on money if you plan to buy these parts. Be sure to also use a Medarot using Scan parts in your team if you do want to use him in your team. They also sell other useful and rare parts like Red Matador (COW-0).

You can finally start the Main Tournament. this tournament follows the same style of Robottles as the city and regional but you will battle seven Rounds this time.

  • In the first round you will be facing Harvest who uses three Medarot equipped with A-Gedama (TAN-0), Kirabbit (RBT-0) and Yellowturtle (TOT-0) parts. Kirabbit is a potentially dangerous medarot because it reduces the "Charge" of its allies to 0 getting them to attack very quickly so be prepared.
  • The second round will pit you against shamojiel who will be using Red Matador (COW-0) parts. If you don't have high damaging parts, this robottle can take too long because Red Matador has "Defend" on his left arm and "Perfect Defense" on the head. However, his only source of damage is a mediocre "Sword" so it doesn't really pose a threat.
  • The third round will be against Jaw Suihan who uses three Medarot equipped with TeePee (NTB-0) parts. Unlike the previous match, he opts for a more offensive tactic. The model's armor is replaced with high speed, damage, and inflicts burn that reduces armor little by little (like poison in other games). In case you don't have high damaging parts it would be a good idea to add a defensive Medarot in the team or even equip your party with parts that have high armor.
  • In the fourth round you will face off against Tawarama. She will be using three King Pharaoh's again, which means this is your second chance to obtain King Pharaoh parts. if you were able to defeat her in the hotel, then this will be no problem.
  • The fifth round pits you against Yuuki who will be using three Medarot equipped with Landmotor (CAR-0) and Rollstar (RAY-0) parts. This is your second chance to obtain Landmotor parts so be sure to save before hand in case you get duplicate parts.
  • The semi-final let's you face off with Dad!? He will be using three Medarot using Monkey Gong (MON-0) and Escarloader (INT-0) parts but don't worry, he is not that hard to beat. After beating Dad you will advance to the finals against Teiya, commander of the "Select Force"!
  • But first we need to follow Bonaparte who will lead you to one of the rooms inside the tournament hall. here we see the Masked Beauty talk to Teiya but he suddenly kidnaps her and runs off. you will obtain "Kirara's Phone". This means that Kirara was the masked beauty all along!? conveniently she is brought to the warehouse to the left of the "Main Tournament Hall".
  • After rescuing Kirara you can return to the Tournament hall to begin the final round against Teiya. Teiya will fight you using three Medarot with a combination of Red matador (COW-0), Kirabbit (RBT-0), Teepee (NTB-0) and King Pharaoh (EGT-0) parts. the difficulty of this match is completely random depending on Teiya's part combinations. this is also your third chance to obtain King Pharaoh parts. sadly the parts he uses are random so there is no guarantee that he will use the parts that you need, so be sure to save beforehand.
  • After winning against Teiya, all phones suddenly don't seem to work. not only that but your medal breaks. this means that the award ceremony needs to be postponed. and you will return at your house.

from this point onwards you won't be able to do Robottle with random encounters because of your broken medal. This means that you are free to explore without engaging in a random encounter.

  • If you did the optional side quest where your "Moon Dragon" parts were stolen, go back to the park and talk to the same boy as before. You will not only recover the stolen parts, but also receive Spare arm and leg parts for your starter Medarot.
  • Go to the "Medarot Company" and talk to the scientist who gave you the "Mini-Handle" and the head of Blue Marine. This time you will get the "Wings of Wing". With this you will be able to fly to any place on the map (like the move fly in Pokemon).
  • Now talk to Yuuki at his house west of "Medarot Company" and then go to the "Local Shrine" and try your luck at the altar (even if you did it already for the password, just try it again one more time). The result does not matter, it will be needed to activate an event later.
  • Go to the "Medal Dig Site" and get on the cart where the Robottle against the roborobo gang started before. You will appear in "Ruins".
  • Approach the center of the ruins. After a short dialogue your medal will be repaired and you will also get the "Alien" medal.
  • After getting your medal repaired and obtaining the Alien medal, you will suddenly be at school. apparently all the Medarot have gone berserk and talking to any Medarot on the map will engage a Robottle.

Note: The following event is Required to get Nae or Kirara's ending. You will however need either the head part "Solar Laser" (FLW-01) or the Leg part "Roots" (FLW-04) to continue. If you don't have either, then you can buy them in the Mini-Super at the "Insect Professor's Laboratory" area for a combined total of $2.600.
Note 2: If you give "Roots" to the Nurse first, you will not be able to give Solar Laser to the Science Teacher. While this does not matter for Kiara's ending, both items need to be given to get Nae's ending so make sure to follow the sequence below.

  • Talk to the teacher in the room to the left of the "Nurses office" to give him the "Solar Laser".
  • Next talk to the School Nurse to give her the "Roots". Be careful, if you do not do this at this point in the game then you will miss out on both endings.

"The main story continues"

  • You can get the "Rabbit" medal if you talk to the boy near the bridge at the "Mountain Village".
  • If you tested your luck before repairing your medal, then you can now battle the dog statue that is on the left side of that area in the "Local Shrine". He use Three Comadog (COM-0) Medarot. You can face them as many times as you want as long as you don't continue the story. This is the only way to get it's parts.
  • Go to the "Stadium" and talk to the man who is in a house in the eastern part of the map. He will ask you a question and if you answer "yes" then he will give you a Male Tin-Pet. If you say no, then he will give you a Female Tin-Pet.
    • Go to the cellar next to the warehouse where Kirara was kidnapped to face a Roborobo Grunt. He uses three Medarot with a combination of Hellphoenix (PHX-0), Monkey Gong (MON-0), Crow Tengu (CRW-0) and Yuichitang (SAK-0) parts. Beating him will grant you the "Periscope", a vehicle that will help you cross bodies of water and that is essential to continue the story.

With this we conclude chapter 8!

Let's go all-out! Decisive Battle at Select HQ!

  • The Select HQ has been taken over by the "Roborobo Gang". Time for a final face off against the evil gang.
  • You will not be able to fly to the "Select Headquarters" area because of a barrier blocking flight entirely, as well as the bridge that connects "Select HQ" with "Downtown" has been raised to block entry.
  • Fly to "Downtown" and use "Periscope" in the lake near the bridge. Once on the other side, enter the control room. Here you can lower the bridge so you can go back to "Downtown" and "Select HQ" if necessary.
  • Enter "Select HQ" from the door on the right and speak with the "Roborobo Member" in front of the computer to challenge him. He uses three Medarot equipped with Hellphoenix (PHX-0), Monkey Gong (MON-0), Crow Tengu (CRW-0) and Yuichitang (SAK-0) parts which should not be too difficult to take down.
    • After defeating him, interact with the PC to deactivate the barrier so that you can fly from and to the "Select HQ" if necessary.
  • Go up the stairs to the other floors of the building. Interact with the chest on the second floor to reach a secret room and talk to the three scientists. If you exit the area and go back in those scientists will have disappeared.
  • Go back to the previous floor and take the stairs to the north. Advance until you see to a "Roborobo Member". Talk to him to challenge him to a Robottle. he uses two "Coffin Bat" Medarot so it should be easy enough.
  • Go on to the next floor and interact with the computer on the right to deactivate the "Rampage System" so that the Medarot will return to normal.
  • As you walk to the stairs at the other end of the room you will briefly notice a character that crosses the corner that looks a lot like Yanma. Don't worry, It's not a glitch, it's part of a later event.
  • On the fourth floor you will have to face another Roborobo Member". He has three Medarot using a Hellphoenix (PHX-0), Monkey Gong (MON-0), Crow Tengu (CRW-0) and Yuichitang (SAK-0) parts. If you did not deactivate the previous computers you will not be able to face him.
  • The next floor is empty, save for Yanma who appears again for a second. At this time you can return to the secret floor where the scientists were and you will find Yanma, Kubota and Iseki who will give you the head part "Taser" (CAT-01).
  • Go to the 6th floor to face Kakashi. He uses three Medarot equipped with Propolis (BEE-0) parts. Your "friends" will show up but they won't be much help and you will have to continue alone. But first take the head part "Clear Shield" (NIT-01) from the chest in the room.
  • On the seventh floor you can find all parts of a complete set of "Wire Alien" (ALI-0) if you interact with the seats in front of the computers. Before leaving the floor you will see Daichi and enter a small cut-scene. After which you need to Robottle him. Daichi uses three Medarot with Maxnake (SNA-0) Parts.
  • As soon as you go up the stairs you will meet Minori and Mask Beauty, which starts another Robottle.
  • Minori uses three Medarot with Auroraqueen (QUN-0) Parts. "Auroraqueen" is a very fragile but powerful model, similar to "Magentacat" so be careful for her "stop" attacks.
  • There is nothing noteworthy on the next floor, except that if you touch the chest in the corner you will return to the start of HQ.
  • Head upstairs and get ready because This is where it gets tough. When you talk to Taiyo, the final battle will begin. divided into two phases
  • The first phase is against Taiyo. He uses three Medarot with a combination of Redmatador (COW-0), Kirabbit (RBT-0), Teepee (NTB-0) and King Pharaoh (EGT-0) parts. The battle is the same as during the tournament. The fight against Taiyo is your fourth and last chance to get "King Pharaoh" parts so be sure to save before starting the final battle!
    • After beating Taiyo, you will begin the second and final phase of the fight against three Medarot equipped with Beast Master (Wea-0) parts. Each hit can mean a part or two less for your Medarot.... The best strategy would be to bring at least one defensive Medarot with parts of "Red Matador", "Holy Nurse", "Armor Knight" or even "DonDoguu" and "Haniwa Golem". The objective would be to cover your main attacker(s) so that they can attack with massive damaging parts, like the "Beast Master" (Wea-0) or "Samurai" (SAM-0). You can also resort to healing or concealing parts to try and stay alive.
  • By defeating this final and tough enemy you will be greeted to a small cut-scene, after which you will appear in your house. Talk to your dad and go back to "Harbor Town".

Final Note: here I will go over all the different endings depending on what route you have taken throughout the game and what to do.

  • Go to the south of 3harbor Town", there you will find Kirara. Talk to her and she will ask you a question:
    • For "Kirara's" ending: Answer "yes" to her question.
    • For "Nae's" ending: Answer "No" to Kirara's question. this will make the "Chick Seller" appear. Go to the "Observatory" and talk to Nae on the second floor of the observatory.
    • For "the Chick Vendors" ending: Kirara won't ask you a question and the Chick Vendor will give you a "Blue Chick".

With this we conclude chapter 9 and you have finished the main story of the! But,...

It's not over yet! Post-Game rewards and events

  • The main story might be over but the game sure isn't.

Ending based events

  • Getting Pingen (PEN-0)
    • If you got Kirara's Ending go to the School, talk to Kirara in your classroom and answer "Yes". Go back to your room where Kirara now will be. Talk to her and you will be given the parts of "Pingen" (PEN-0) but you will lose the item "Star Piece".

  • Obtaining Ace Horn (UNI-0)
    • You can only get this model if you got Nae's Ending. Go to the "Medarot Laboratory", talk to Nae and tell her "Yes". You will find her in your room and by talking to her you will get the parts of "Ace Horn" (UNI-0) and you will keep the "Star Piece".

Events in the "school" and "Harbor town" areas.

  • Get leg part "Taily" (MAR-04)
    • In the school pool you will find the gym teacher who will challenge you to a robottle using 3 "Megaphant" (ELF-0). When you defeat him you will win the part and you can repeat the robottle as much as you want but without more rewards.

  • Get "Volume 10" (SNG-0)
    • If during the Roborobo Base Mission you got the "Conductor's Baton", talk to the music teacher in the room on the right in the first floor of the school and you will exchange said object for a complete set of "Volume 10".

  • Second Robottle vs. the Principal and "Password 4"
    • At this point the Principal will accept one more challenge using two Samurai (SAM-0). This is your second and LAST chance to obtain a part of "Samurai". you will also receive "Password 4-N" for beating the Principal.

  • VS Moving Statue and get parts of "Sekizou" (GLM-0)
    • Go up to the roof of the school and talk to the moving statue again. you will be challenge to a Robottle against the Moving Statue who uses three sekizou (GLM-0). By defeating him you will get the left arm "Granade" (GLM-03) and the "Complicated Book" item. Just like last time, return the item to the librarian and you will get "Historic Book" and the right arm "Point Radar" (BOK-02). Then take the new book to Sekizou and as a reward he will give you the head part "Tank Missile" (GLM-01).

  • Get "Penguin" medal
    • Go to the "Park" and check the coin in the fountain to get the medal.

  • "Octokong" event
    • Enter the "Harbor Town" cave and use "Periscope" on the body of water in the left end of the second bridge. Follow that passage and you will go to a new area inside the town. Later you will see some wild medabots and as soon as you approach you will be challenged to a Robottle vs Octokong. he uses three Medarot equipped with Kanehachi (CLA-0) parts.
    • After defeating him, when you talk to the Medarot that stayed behind it will give you the "Pearl" (SHL-01) head, the right arm "Drainer" (SHL-02), left arm "Absorber" (SHL-03) and legs "Undertower" (SHL-04). If you interact with the box up ahead you will repeat the fight against Octokong.
    • If you interact with the box at the start of the cave where before you got the "Knight" medal, you will get another "Pearl" head (SHL-01).

"Medarot Laboratory" and "Mountain Village" Events

  • Third match vs Yuuki
    • Go to Paddy's house in the "Medarot Laboratory" area and when you talk to Yuuki and you will face him but he will only use a "Rollstar" (RAY-0).
    • Talk to him again and head to his house in "Medarot Company" to have your last showdown. he will battle you using Rollstar (RAY-0) and Landmotor (CAR-0) parts. Defeating him will reward you with the "Air-Con" head (RBT-0).

  • Get Devil/Angel/Dragon/Ninja medals
    • This event can only be done after getting the rewards for the ending of Nae or Kirara.
    • Go to the lake to the left of "Mountain Village" and talk to the old man. Then use "Periscope" and enter the dam. when you pass by the descent that is ahead you will slip and you will get a medal according to the version you play and the ending you got.
    • Kabuto ver. and Kirara' ending: Medal "Devil".
    • Kabuto ver. and Nae's ending: Medal "Angel"
    • Kuwagata ver. and Kirara's ending: "Dragon" Medal
    • Kuwagata ver. and Nae's ending: Medal "Ninja
    • If you interact with the lonely box on the left of the area you will find the item "Mr. Wataru Lure" and a Tin-Pet M.
    • Give that item to the old man outside the dam and he will give you a "Handmade Lure".
    • Go to "Stadium" and talk to the old man in the southern pier, answering "Yes" you will get the legs "Taily" (MAR-0) and if you refuse, he will buy the lure from you for $1,000.

  • Get parts of "Blackmail" (DVL-0) and the "Wolf" medal.

In the lower right corner of the "Mountain Village" there is a guy who will challenge you. to a robottle that in my opinion is more difficult than the battle against the "Beast Masters", so be sure to save the game before starting.

    • The wolf Man will fight you using Blackmail (DVL-0) parts. Blackmail is a demon in every sense of the word. Its parts cause massive and chain damage in addition to having very high armor. you will have to prepare with defensive parts and powerful and fast attacks to be able to face it. Note that you will only be able to get two more parts of this model (you already got the leg parts from the "Mission at Roborobo Base" chapter), so I recommend winning the head or the left arm.
    • Now go to the "Medarot Laboratory" building and talk to the scientist who is in the lower right corner to get "Ordinary Glasses". bring him this item to the Wofl Man but get ready because you will face him again. if you can defeat him again will get the "Wolf" medal.

  • Get Kappa medal
    • Go to "Mountainside" where you found the 41 roborobo medals and interact with the narrowest part of the center of the lake. A Kappa will appear and you will face it in a robbotle:
    • The kappa uses a combination of River Saucer (KAP-0) and Yuichitang (SAK-0) parts. By defeating him you will receive the "Kappa" medal.

  • Kintaro Event:
    • Go to the altar in "Mountainside" but two stray medarot will stop.
    • The first one uses a combination of Monkey Gong (MON-0), Propolis (BEE-0) and Maxsnake (SNA-0) parts. After beating him you will face a second stray medarot.
    • The second stray medarot uses a combination of Hellphoenix (PHX-0), Flowercharge (FLW-0) and A-Burage (KTN-0) parts. You can repeat this event up to 4 times but you won't get anything special from doing so.

Other events

  • Get a Tin-Pet F
    • Talk to the woman in a house in the lower left corner of "Shopping District" and then go to the "Import Shop" in that area and talk to the man to get an extra Tin-Pet F.

  • Sell the "Medanot"
    • Talk to the woman in the Mini-super in "Stadium" and sell her the "Medanot" that you got during the "Assault on the Select Barracks" chapter for $20,000, but remember that you can only sell one.

  • Grandpa's allowance
    • Go to "Dad's Hometown" and talk to your grandfather to get him to give you $11,500.

  • Get Mistyghost (GHT-0) and DonDoguu (DGU-0)/Haniwa Golem (HNI-0)
    • Just to the right of Grandpa's house is a cow that moo's "different" (in Japanese it does so in Hiragana, in the patched version it will do it with an exclamation point), if you interact with the trunk to his right you will enter "Shinobic Park".
    • Use "Wing of Wind" to fly to "Shinobic park" and you will reach the house that is hidden in a corner. Go inside and you will face an old man three times in a row.
    • He will be using Mad Muscle (RIC-0), Nin-Ninja (NIN-0) and Kin-Tarou (KIN-0) parts.
    • If you don't have all 9 Tin-Pets at this point you will get one M and then all the model "Mistyghost" and the "DonDoguu" in the Kuwagata version or the "Haniwa Golem" in the Kabuto version.

  • Get "Cat" Medal
    • To obtain this medal you will need to engage in a Robottle with another IRL player who has the other version to "Steal" the opposing players starting medal (KBT medal for the KWG version and KWG for the KBT version).
    • When you have both Kabuto medal and Kuwagata medal, go to the school and talk to the science teacher and you will get the "Cat" medal.

  • Get medal "?"
    • You need to have all the medals in the game, go to the "Medarot Laboratory" and talk to Dr Medabot (Dr Aki) who is in the northern part of the top floor and you will be rewarded the "?" medal.

Random Encounters

Once you leave your hometown, you will be able to battle Medarotters via random encounters. these give you the opportunity to get parts to power up your Medarot. In this section I will be going over each area in the game and which Models you will be able to face and receive parts for. These will be sorted from first appearance.

Model Number Model Name Location
BMT-0 Tank Soldier Harbor Town, Mountainside, Medarot Company (Inside), Observatory,
MON-0 Monkey Gong Harbor Town, Mountainside, Medarot Company (outside), Downtown,
BER-0 Betty Bear Harbor Town, Mountainside, Observatory,
KTN-0 A-Burage Harbor Town, Medarot Laboratory, Mountain Village, Medarot Company (outside), Downtown, Dad's Hometown,
TAN-0 A-Gedama Harbor Town, Medarot Laboratory, Mountainside, Shopping District, Dad's Hometown, Observatory,
KAP-0 River Saucer Harbor Town, Cave (Harbor Town),
CLA-0 Kanehachi Harbor Town, Cave (Harbor Town), Dad's Hometown,
RAY-0 Rollstar Cave (Harbor Town),
SNA- Maxsnake Cave (Harbor Town), Mountain Village, Mountainside, Medarot Company (Inside), Downtown, Dad's Hometown, Observatory,
NIT-0 Knight Armor Cave (Harbor Town), Medarot Company (Inside), Medal Dig Site, Forbidden Zone,
PIE-0 Magical Pierrot Cave (Harbor Town), Medal Dig Site, Dad's Hometown,
CRW-0 Crown Tengu Cave (Harbor Town), Medarot Company (outside), Downtown, Dad's Hometown,
DOG-0 Cyandog Medarot Laboratory, Mountain Village, Medarot Company (Inside), Medal Dig Site, Dad's Hometown, Observatory,
RIC-0 Mad Muscle Medarot Laboratory, Medarot Company (Inside),
BAT-0 Coffin Bat Medarot Laboratory, Medal Dig Site, Forbidden Zone,
MOG-0 Digmole Medarot Laboratory, Downtown, Dad's Hometown,
SPI-0 Trap Spider Mountain Village, Medal Dig Site, Dad's Hometown, Observatory,
BEE-0 Propolis Mountain Village, Mountainside, Medarot Company (outside), Medarot Company (Inside), Downtown, Dad's Hometown, Observatory,
FLW-0 Flowercharge Mountain Village, Medarot Company (Inside),
PHX-0 Hell Phoenix Mountain Village, Medarot Company (outside),
INT-0 Scarloader Lake (Mountain Village), Downtown, Medal Dig Site, Observatory,
ELF-0 Megaphant Lake (Mountain Village), Shopping District, Downtown, Medal Dig Site, Forbidden Zone,
CMO-0 Seven Colors Lake (Mountain Village), Medal Dig Site, Shinobic Park,
NIN-0 Ninja-Ninja Lake (Mountain Village), Shinobic Park,
KNI-0 Get Ready Mountainside, Shinobic Park,
KIN-0 Kin-tarou Mountainside, Medarot Company (outside), Downtown, Dad's Hometown, Observatory,
TOT-0 Yellowturtle Shopping District, Observatory,
FLY-0 Cake Fairy Shopping District, Downtown,
NAS-0 Holy Nurse Shopping District,
SAK-0 Yuchitang Medarot Company (outside), Medal Dig Site, Forbidden Zone,
BOK-09 Doctor Study Medarot Company (Inside)
SLR-0 Sailormate Downtown

Special Thanks

I would like to use this section to thank CarlosP on GameFAQ again for making the Original Guide. Sadly due to lack of spare time he abandoned the english translation of the guide. After finishing this guide, I will be taking a break to translate CarlosP's other guides on Medarot 3, 4, and 5 and post them on the Medapedia. If you find any mistakes (be it spelling or actual mistakes) be sure to let me knwo via the comments or go to the Medarot discord and tell me there (nickname jerryv20). Untill then, take care!