Wonder Angel

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Wonder Angel
Model No.
Head: Cherub Body
Right Arm: Cherub Hand
Left Arm: Cherub Arm
Legs: Cherub Leg
Game appearances
Medarot 2, Medarot R, Medarot 4,
Medarot 2 Core
Other appearances

English Version Part Names:
Head: Cherub Body
Right Arm: Cherub Hand
Left Arm: Cherub Arm
Legs: Cherub Leg
Model No.:

Wonder Angel (ワンダエンジェル), spelled Wonder-Angel in the English version game, is an angel-type Medarot that first appeared in Medarot 2.


Wonder-Angel is the blue-bodied upgraded version of Heal Angel. It is a flying Medarot, and its arms, which have small wings attached to the shoulders, can repair armor and restore broken parts.

In the games

It can steal Medaforce from a single enemy using its head. Its right and left arms have Repair and Revive actions, respectively.

In Medarot R

Is obtainable from the Part Collection by fighting しょうじょ that is ranked opponent number 58.

In Medarot DS

Although Wonder Angel itself does not appear in Medarot DS, its design was reused for the new ANG types, RestorAngel and ReviveAngel. RestorAngel is blue and looks identical to Wonder Angel, while ReviveAngel is a pink colored version.

Image gallery

Official Artwork:


3D Models:

Related Medarots

  • DVL-1 Belzelga, its devil-type counterpart.
Angel-type Medarots
ANG-0 Heal Angel
ANG-1 Wonder Angel
AAG-0 Particle
SRN-0NF Circred
ANG-0 Strangelo
ANG02-F RestorAngel
ANG03-F ReviveAngel