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Model No.
Head: Plain Water
Right Arm: After Nose
Left Arm: Succession
Legs: Roller Brush
Game appearances
Medarot Navi
Other appearances
Medarot OCG

Raccoon (ラクーン) is a raccoon-type Medarot that first appeared in Medarot Navi. Its Medarotter is Wurin and is based on a foraging animal known for its mask-like facial markings.


A Tank Medarot with tough legs and a sturdy head but flimsy arms, Raccoon begins play as a trap-oriented support bot, capable of setting traps against both bullet attacks with its and melee attacks as well as clearing traps from its allies.

Raccoon is also capable of Medachanging, flipping its arms around to form wheels, folding its treads back, and opening its tail to reveal three green rings. Now a Vehicle Medarot, Raccoon gains offensive capabilities in this form, using its Drive A - and its Head charges, of which it has 12 - to perform Sword strikes at medium range. Its Drive B allows it to protect allies from negative status effects, and its Drive C allows it to clear traps without spending Head part ammo.

In the games[edit]

In Medarot Navi[edit]

Raccoon is the Medarot of choice of Wurin, the self-proclaimed class cutie who charms a team of Space Robos and their Gayscythes into helping her Robottle Kasumi and his team in Medarot Navi. After losing - and talking her groupies into attacking again on their own - Wurin joins Kasumi's party.

Image gallery[edit]

Related Medarots[edit]

Raccoon-type Medarots
RCN-0NH Raccoon
RCN-0CH Bokuraccoon