Combination attacks
From Medapedia
Combination Attacks are actions that are designed to work in tandem.
X-Attack Series
X-Attack, also called Team Attack, is a very powerful ability that first appeared in Medarot 2. It is a Defend skill in Medarot 2/R/2 CORE, Set-Up skill in Medarot 3/4/5/Navi and a Set skill in Medarot DS.
- X-Attack Set (Team Form) sets a Cannon Trap on the user, lying dormant until triggered by a Cross Attack Fire action. Reinforce this trap to increase the strength and accuracy of the final barrage.
- X-Attack Fire (Team Attack) activates any Cannon Traps that the user has previously laid, setting them all off as an extremely powerful Chain Reaction attack.
- You can use Trap Clear to remove any Cannon Traps on the enemy's side.
Seal Attack
Seal Attack is a series exclusive to Medarot 4.
- Seal Cancellation-Adds "Seal Cancellation" status effect. Considered a Support skill.
- Seal Weapon-Uses "Seal Cancellation" to deal damage. Considered a Berserk skill.
To remove Seal Cancellation, you have to use Plus Status Clear.
Hallmark Attack
Hallmark Attack is a series exclusive to Medarot 4.
- Hallmark Addition-Adds "Hallmark Addition" status effect. Considered an Interrupt skill.
- Hallmark Weapon-Uses "Hallmark Weapon" to deal damage. Considered a Snipe skill.
To remove Hallmark Addition, you have to use Minus Status Clear.