Ikki Tenryou

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Ikki Tenryou is the main human character of several of the early Medabots games and the anime.

In the games

Medabots 2

Ikki is the main character of Medabots 2. He starts off as one of the only people in the school without a Metabot much like the anime. However, while out on a chore to buy supper for his mom, [Henry] or [Hikaru] forces Ikki to but his first Medabot, an update version of [Metabee] or [Rokusho] depending on which version you get. When he gets home, his mother scolds him for wasting his money and is told to go upstairs. He then assembles his Metabot and his disappointed when it doesn't move realizng he needs a medal. when Ikki's dad was on his way home, the [Phantom Renegade] gave him a medal to give to his son, that being the Kuwagata medal or the Kabuto medal, again depending on the version. Later that day, when leaving his house, he runs into his childhood friend, Erika or Arika in the Japanese version. She challenges him to his first robattle. After decimating her team, Ikki is lead to the school to watch a Medabot tournament. The tournament was over, the [Screws] being the reigning champs. The Screws taunt Ikki into fighting them, one-on-one at first, but then the Screws decided to cheat and attempted to take Ikki on, 3-on-1 unlocking the [medaforce]. After the Screws make a tactical retreat, Ikki goes into the school building and speaks with Erika about a rumour she heard about a Medabot that tickled cute girls. After sending Ikki to investigate, he ran into Salty, Ikki's dog fallowed by Karin, leaving the school. After speaking to [Miss Nae], Ikki investigated a shady building on the edge of town. Erika then runs to tell him a strong Medafighter appeared from the Rose Wood Private School. Ikki rushed back to fight this new threat. [Koji], the boy from Rose Wood Private School then shows up and decimates the Screws with one Medabot, that being [Samuiladon] or [Warbandit] depending on the version. Ikki then chases after Koji upstairs where Erika the forces him to battle Koji. Koji accecpts his loss like a man. Karin then appears and tries to explain things to Koji who goes ballistic for being in the same vicinity as Karin. He then claims Ikki is the culprit for the ticklings. After Erika speaks some logic into him, Koji and Erika leave Ikki and Erika alone taking Karin with him. Erika forces Ikki to go over to her house to attempt to get Ikki to go out disguised a girl to try and catch the Medabot. After Ikki leaves wearing the skirt, the Medabot runs up and harasses Erika of not being a cute girl. Ikki then chases after the Medabot while Erika reccoparates from a tiring run. The Medabot lead Ikki to the spooky building on the edge of town which ended up being a part of the [Rubberobos] scheme. The Select Corp. walked in and found a defeated Rubberobo while Ikki hid. The Select Corp. then took credit for the defeat of the Rubberobo for themselves. Ikki then returns to Erika's house to drop off the skirt which she didn't want back, so Ikki kept it. After speaking to Erika about a spooky Ghost Medabot in the mountain to the north. He left and saw the Screws stiring up trouble in the school yard trying to get a group to go to Mt. Odoro to get there parts back from the Ghost Medabot.

In the anime

Ikki is a young boy who is an enthusiastic Medabots fan, but was unable to afford the Tinpet, Medaparts, and Medal needed for his own Medabot. However, by chance he came across a Rare Medal that had been dropped into a river, and is able to buy an older set of parts from shopowner Henry. By combining the three he gains his own Medabot, whom he dubs Metal Beetle or "Metabee" before employing him in battle. While the two enjoy an early victory, Metabee's sassy personality clashes with Ikki's early on, and continues to prove a source of conflict for the pair. As time goes by, the pair do form a bond of mutual respect and trust.