Medals in Medarot 2 Core

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This is a list of all of the Medals available in Medarot 2 Core. There are 30 in total.

Some Medals are exclusive to either the Kabuto or Kuwagata versions of the game. See the bottom of the page for info on which Medals are exclusive and where each Medal can be obtained.

Note: Some skills had their names changed in the English version of the game. (Snipe -> Aim Shot, Protect -> Defend, and Disrupt -> Interrupt.) Other changes are marked with the name from the English version in brackets.


  • Attribute - Decides which parts the Medal is compatible with.
  • Bonus - How much of a bonus the Medal gets for using compatible parts.
  • Target - The Medarot will targets parts using this particular skill more often.
  • Skills - These represent the relative skill levels the Medal has when you first obtain it on a scale of 0 to 10.


# Medal name Japanese Attribute Bonus Target Strike Berserk Shoot Snipe Protect Support Heal Disrupt
A Kuwagata クワガタ Fighting
+4 Shoot 10 10 0 0 6 6 0 0
B Kabuto カブト Shooting
+4 Strike 0 0 10 10 6 6 0 0
C Tortoise トータス Optical
+7 Protect 6 0 10 10 0 0 6 0
D Jellyfish クラゲ Gunpowder
+7 Heal 0 0 6 10 0 6 6 0
E Bear クマ Gravity
+7 Support 0 6 10 10 6 0 0 0
F Spider クモ Set-up
+7 Disrupt 6 6 8 8 10 0 0 0
G Snake ヘ・ビー Flux
+7 Protect 10 10 0 0 6 6 8 0
H Queen クイーン Stop
+7 Heal 10 10 8 8 0 0 0 0
I Kraken
クラーケン Bind
+7 Support 10 8 0 0 6 8 0 0
J Phoenix フェニックス Burn
+7 Disrupt ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Exclusive Medals

The following Medal pairs are version-specific:

  • Kuwagata and Kabuto (Medals for your starter)
  • Tortoise and Snake (Found in Omikuji's old factory)
  • Jellyfish and Queen (Sasuke's chest in Odoro Pond)
  • Bear and Squid (Sasuke's bribe in Odoro Marsh)
  • Spider and Phoenix (Reward for beating Shiokara in Odoro Cave)
  • Devil and Angel (Return the Fuyun Stone during the postgame)
  • Ninja and Dragon (Hidden in Robo HQ's soda pool)

The following Medal pairs are event-specific:

  • Penguin and Alien (Flying Fortress choice)
  • Cat and ? (Erika or Karin sidequests)

The following Medal pairs are available in both versions (but have their locations swapped):

  • Unicorn and Ghost (Reward for saving the Robo Kids; gift from Margarita)
  • Knight and Mermaid (Medarot Island tournament prize; gift from Dr. Hebereke during Eggy Theft)

The following Medals are available from Nae's Collection at various parts during both versions:

  • Kappa
  • Bat
  • Mouse
  • Chameleon
  • Rabbit
  • Monkey

The final two Medals are given during special events:

  • ! (Given at the Partsun Rally finals)
  • Borottle (Gift from Dr. Aki after finding all 29 other Medals)

Thus, it is possible in a single play-through of either version to find 20 Medals. Two play-throughs, one of each Version, can yield the missing nine Medals and allow access to the Borottle Medal.

In-Depth Info

A: Kuwagata Medal

This Medal is best with Medarots that use basic Grapple attacks, especially those in the KWG Series.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Spiral Bolt
      • 80 MF, Berserk
      • Damages all parts on one enemy.
    • Lv30: Side Bolt
      • 60 MF, Strike
      • Hits one part on all enemies.
    • Lv60: Proximity Up
      • 40 MF, Support
      • Raises Proximity stat on all allies' legs.
  • Location: Kuwagata Version - Received from Ikki's dad shortly after purchasing Rokusho.

B: Kabuto Medal

This Medal is best with Medarots that use basic Shoot attacks, especially those in the KBT Series.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Ultra Shot
      • 80 MF, Snipe
      • Combines strength of all shooting parts into one attack.
    • Lv30: Damage Ball
      • 60 MF, Shot
      • Strength increases based on damage taken.
    • Lv60: Cancel Formation
      • 30 MF, Defend
      • Makes the user immune to Shot, Grap and Clear Traps.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Received from Ikki's dad shortly after purchasing Metabee.

C: Tortoise Medal

This Medal is best with Medarots that use high-power Laser and Beam attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Optic Form
      • 40 MF, Shoot
      • Gives all parts the Optic attribute until the battle ends.
    • Lv30: Absorb Optic
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Any hits from Optic attacks are instead absorbed to restore Armor.
    • Lv60: Status Restore
      • 40 MF, Heal
      • Removes any status, good or bad, from all ally Medarots.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Found in the Old Factory in Omikuji.

D: Jellyfish Medal

This Medal is best with parts that use never-missing Missile and Napalm attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Gunpowder Form
      • 40 MF, Shoot
      • Gives all parts the Gunpowder attribute until the battle ends.
    • Lv30: Absorb Gunpowder
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Any hits from Gunpowder attacks are instead absorbed to restore Armor.
    • Lv60: Remote Up
      • 40 MF, Support
      • Raises Remoteness stat on all allies' legs.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Found in a chest in Odoro Pond used by Ninja Sasuke to hide.

E: Bear Medal

This Medal is best with parts that use high-ROS Break and Press attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Gravity Form
      • 40 MF, Shoot
      • Gives all parts the Gravity attribute until the battle ends.
    • Lv30: Absorb Gravity
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Any hits from Gravity attacks are instead absorbed to restore Armor.
    • Lv60: Leg Crash
      • 70 MF, Defend
      • Destroys all enemies; Leg parts.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Received from Ninja Sasuke when attempting to enter Ninja Village early.

F: Spider Medal

This Medal is best with parts that set traps.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Anti-Attack Trap
      • 60 MF
      • Sets a long-lasting trap that damages all attacking enemies.
    • Lv30: Cancel Formation
      • 30 MF, Defend
      • Makes the user immune to Shot, Grap and Clear Traps.
    • Lv60: Side Bolt
      • 60 MF, Strike
      • Hits one part on all enemies.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Found after beating Shiokara in Odoro Marsh's cave.

G: Snake Medal

This Medal is best with parts that use Movement-inducing Virus and Bug attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Movement
      • 50 MF, Strike
      • Afflicts all enemies with Movement status, reducing their Rate of Success while in effect.
    • Lv30: Cancel Movement
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Movement status.
    • Lv60: Unbreakable Will
      • 50 MF, Heal
      • Increases user's power based on number of allies' broken parts.
  • Location: Kuwagata Version - Found in the Old Factory in Omikuji.

H: Queen Medal

This Medal is best with parts that use Stop-inducing Freeze and Thunder attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Stop
      • 50 MF, Strike
      • Afflicts all enemies with Stop status, halting their CHG/RAD cycles while in effect.
    • Lv30: Cancel Stop
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Stop status.
    • Lv60: Propulsion Up
      • 40 MF, Snipe
      • Raises Propulsion stat on all allies' legs.
  • Location: Kuwagata Verson - Found in a chest in Odoro Pond used by Ninja Sasuke to hide.

I: Kraken Medal (Squid)

This Medal is best with parts that use slowness-inducing Web and Hold attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Bind
      • 50 MF, Strike
      • Afflicts all enemies with Bind status, reducing their CHG/RAD speed while in effect.
    • Lv30: Cancel Bind
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Bind status.
    • Lv60: Pushover Attack
      • 60 MF, Support
      • Uses Pushover attacks on all enemies, erasing orders and damaging their Heads if hit during CHG.
  • Location: Kuwagata Version - Received from Ninja Sasuke when attempting to enter Ninja Village early.

J: Phoenix Medal

This Medal is best with parts that induce damage over time with Flame and Melt attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Flow
      • 50 MF, Strike
      • Afflicts all enemies with Flow status, dealing damage over time while in effect.
    • Lv30: Cancel Flow
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Flow status.
    • Lv60: Anti-Protection
      • 70 MF, Defend
      • Protects allies from Counterattacks.
  • Location: Kuwagata Version - Found after beating Shiokara in Odoro Marsh's cave.

K: Unicorn Medal

This Medal is best with Parts that normalize the field.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Life Drain
      • 70 MF, Heal
      • Damages one enemy and restores the user's Armor by a portion of that damage.
    • Lv30: Status Restore
      • 40 MF, Heal
      • Removes any status, good or bad, from all ally Medarots.
    • Lv60: Useless
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Afflicts all enemies with Useless status, preventing one part from being used.
  • Location:
    • Kuwagata Version - Given by Hachiro during the Robo Kids scenario.
    • Kabuto Version - Given by Margarita in the Kodine Kingdom scenario.

L: Ghost Medal

This Medal is best with parts that negate enemy attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Full Body Up
      • 40 MF, Disrupt
      • Refills all allies' Head Uses.
    • Lv30: Full Body RAD
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Forces all enemies to the start of their RAD cycles.
    • Lv60: Shrapnel attack
      • 80 MF, Heal
      • Damages user's parts by 1/2, then deals equal damage to one enemy.
  • Location:
    • Kuwagata Version - Given by Margarita in the Kodine Kingdom scenario.
    • Kabuto Version - Given by Hachiro during the Robo Kids scenario.

M: Knight Medal

This Medal is best with parts used to defend allies from attack.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Iron Wall
      • 40 MF, Defend
      • Increases user's Defense.
    • Lv30: Power Up
      • 40 MF, Defend
      • Increases user's Power.
    • Lv60: Cancel Stop
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Stop status.
  • Location:
    • Kuwagata Version - Prize for Medarot Island tournament.
    • Kabuto Version - Given by Dr. Hebereke after Eggy's theft.

N: Mermaid Medal

This Medal is best with parts used to restore allies' Armor.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Total Recovery
      • 60 MF, Heal
      • Restores armor to all allies' unbroken parts.
    • Lv30: Shrapnel attack
      • 80 MF, Heal
      • Damages user's parts by 1/2, then deals equal damage to one enemy.
    • Lv60: Absorb Gravity
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Any hits from Gravity attacks are instead absorbed to restore Armor.
  • Location:
    • Kuwagata Version - Given by Dr. Hebereke after Eggy's theft.
    • Kabuto Version - Prize for Medarot Island tournament.

O: Penguin Medal

This Medal is best with parts used to restore allies' broken parts.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Full Body Repair
      • 70 MF, Heal
      • All allies' broken parts are restored to low Armor.
    • Lv30: Unbreakable Will
      • 50 MF, Heal
      • Increases user's power based on number of allies' broken parts.
    • Lv60: Absorb Gunpowder
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Any hits from Gunpowder attacks are instead absorbed to restore Armor.
  • Location: During Fuyun Fortress, choose to Chase Dr. Hebereke.

P: Bat Medal

This Medal is best with parts that deliver Anti-Air attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Anti-Air
      • 50 MF, Shoot
      • Afflicts all Flying enemies with a random negative Status.
    • Lv30: Propulsion Up
      • 40 MF, Snipe
      • Raises Propulsion stat on all allies' legs.
    • Lv60: Type Crash
      • 70 MF, Disrupt
      • Deals massive damage to any enemies with the same leg type as the user.
  • Location: One of six choices from Nae's collection.

Q: Kappa Medal

This Medal is best with parts that deliver Anti-Sea attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Anti-Sea
      • 50 MF, Shoot
      • Afflicts all Sea enemies with a random negative Status.
    • Lv30: Mobility Up
      • 40 MF, Snipe
      • Raises Mobility stat on all allies' legs.
    • Lv60: Medaforce Up
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Doubles speed at which allies gain MF.
  • Location: One of six choices from Nae's collection.

R: Mouse Medal

This Medal is best with parts that use Scan actions.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Spy Game
      • 30 MF, Support
      • Lowers enemy side's Scan level while increasing your own.
    • Lv30: Proximity Up
      • 40 MF, Support
      • Raises Proximity stat on all allies' legs.
    • Lv60: Structureless
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Destroys one Defense part on each enemy (if they have any equipped).
  • Location: One of six choices from Nae's collection.

S: Chameleon Medal

This Medal is best with parts that use Conceal actions.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Hide and Seek
      • 30 MF, Support
      • Lowers enemy side's Conceal level while increasing your own.
    • Lv30: Remoteness Up
      • 40 MF, Support
      • Raises Remoteness stat on all allies' legs.
    • Lv60: Damage Ball
      • 60 MF, Shot
      • Strength increases based on damage taken.
  • Location: One of six choices from Nae's collection.

T: Rabbit Medal

This Medal is best with parts that affect speed of CHG and RAD cycles.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Charge
      • 40 MF, Support
      • Increases time enemies must spend in CHG cycles.
    • Lv30: Pushover Attack
      • 60 MF, Support
      • Uses Pushover attacks on all enemies, erasing orders and damaging their Heads if hit during CHG.
    • Lv60: Cancel Bind
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Bind status.
  • Location: One of six choices from Nae's collection.

U: Monkey Medal

This Medal is best with parts that mess with enemies.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Chaos
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Afflicts all enemies with Confusion status, making them unable to control who they attack.
    • Lv30: Useless
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Afflicts all enemies with Useless status, preventing one part from being used.
    • Lv60: Cancel Flow
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Flow status.
  • Location: One of six choices from Nae's collection.

V: Devil Medal

This Medal is best with parts that instantly destroy enemies' parts.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Destroyer
      • 70 MF, Berserk
      • Destroys one Medapart from any enemy currently in their RAD cycle.
    • Lv30: Structureless
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Destroys one Defense part on each enemy (if they have any equipped).
    • Lv60: Full Body RAD
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Forces all enemies to the start of their RAD cycles.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Received after returning the Fuyun Stone to Kodine Temple.

W: Angel Medal

This Medal is best with parts that slowly regenerate allies' Armor.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Crazy Medaforce
      • 60 MF, Disrupt
      • Reduces all enemies' MF to 0, then damages them equal to the drained MF.
    • Lv30: Medaforce Up
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Doubles speed at which allies gain MF.
    • Lv60: Power Up
      • 40 MF, Defend
      • Increases user's power.
  • Location: Kuwagata Version - Received after returning the Fuyun Stone to Kodine Temple.

X: Dragon Medal

This Medal is best with parts that utilize Cross Attacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Formation Orders
      • 40 MF, Defend
      • Increases strength of user's Cross Attacks.
    • Lv30: Leg Crash
      • 70 MF, Defend
      • Destroys all enemies' Leg parts.
    • Lv60: Absorb Optic
      • 70 MF, Snipe
      • Any hits from Optic attacks are instead absorbed to restore Armor.
  • Location: Kabuto Version - Hidden in the soda pool in Robo HQ.

Y: Ninja Medal

This Medal is best with parts that utilize Counterattacks.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Protector
      • 50 MF, Defend
      • User may sometimes counterattack while Defending allies.
    • Lv30: Anti-Protection
      • 70 MF, Defend
      • Protects allies from Counterattacks.
    • Lv60: Mobility Up
      • 40 MF, Support
      • Raises Mobility stat on all allies' legs.
  • Location: Kuwagata Version - Hidden in the soda pool in Robo HQ.

Z: Alien Medal

This Medal is best with parts that transform.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Dice Attack
      • 60 MF, Disrupt
      • Damages one enemy; strength is determined by a die roll.
    • Lv30: Type Crash
      • 70 MF, Disrupt
      • Deals massive damage to any enemies with the same leg type as the user.
    • Lv60: Cancel Movement
      • 60 MF, Berserk
      • Makes all allies immune to Movement status.
  • Location: During Fuyun Fortress, choose to Stabilize the Flight.

Cat Medal

This Medal has no attribute. It focuses on support.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Total Recovery
      • 60 MF, Heal
      • Restores armor to all allies' unbroken parts.
    • Lv30: Anti-Attack Trap
      • 60 MF
      • Sets a long-lasting trap that damages all attacking enemies.
    • Lv60: Dice Attack
      • 60 MF, Disrupt
      • Damages one enemy; strength is determined by a die roll.
  • Location: Postgame, culmination of Arika's character sidequest.

? Medal

This Medal has no attribute. It focuses on support.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Full Body Repair
      • 70 MF, Heal
      • All allies' broken parts are restored to low Armor.
    • Lv30: Destroyer
      • 70 MF, Berserk
      • Destroys one Medapart from any enemy currently in their RAD cycle.
    • Lv60: Protector
      • 50 MF, Defend
      • User may sometimes counterattack while Defending allies.
  • Location: Postgame, culmination of Karin's character sidequest.

! Medal

This Medal has no attribute and has equal levels in all Skills.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Ultra Shot
      • 80 MF, Snipe
      • Combines strength of all shooting parts into one attack.
    • Lv30: Chaos
      • 50 MF, Disrupt
      • Afflicts all enemies with Confusion status, making them unable to control who they attack.
    • Lv60: Life Drain
      • 70 MF, Heal
      • Damages one enemy and restores the user's Armor by a portion of that damage.
  • Location: Postgame, reward for completing the Partsun Rally.

Borottle Medal

This Medal has no attribute. It is focused on offense.

  • Medaforce:
    • Lv10: Spiral Bolt
      • 80 MF, Berserk
      • Damages all parts on one enemy.
    • Lv30: Crazy Medaforce
      • 60 MF, Disrupt
      • Reduces all enemies' MF to 0, then damages them equal to the drained MF.
    • Lv60: Stop
      • 50 MF, Strike
      • Afflicts all enemies with Stop status, halting their CHG/RAD cycles while in effect.
  • Location: Dr. Aki after presenting him with all 29 other Medals.