Rose Bouquet
From Medapedia
Rose Bouquet (ローズブーケ) is a rose-type Medarot found only in Medarot Navi. It is the upgraded form of Rosebud.
Rose Boquet's appearance is based on a bundle of red roses. The majority of its body is colored pale green like the stem and stalks of the rose plant punctuated by nine red "petals", three on each arm and another three between the head and legs.
The head part is a Napalm attack, the right arm part enhances Zone-of-Control and the left arm gathers allies around the user. Its legs are Flying-type.
Rose Bouquet is Niwaka's lead Medarot. He is battled in the Cluster's command center; his defeat marks the end of the game's second "act" and entry into the endgame.