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'''Battle 14''' Spyke and Cyandog (Round 2)
'''Battle 14''' Spyke and Cyandog (Round 2)

Opponents: Cyandog(DOG00-M) Medal: ? Medal, [[Mantaprey]](MTS-0) Medal: Cat -- Personality: Vague
Opponents: Krosserdog(DOG-1X)/Cyandog(DOG00-M) Medal: ? Medal, [[Mantaprey]](MTS-0) Medal: Cat -- Personality: Vague
**(Metabee ver)
**(Metabee ver)
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Since you got the Spider Medal use it in, and name it as Sumilidon as the ''Hunter'' is compatible with it.
Since you got the Spider Medal use it in, and name it as Sumilidon as the ''Hunter'' is compatible with it.

Revision as of 15:08, 14 December 2023

This is a Guide for Medarot 2 / Medarot 2 Core or simply known as Medabots.

Here I document the differences between both games and try to explain what parts you will need during the playthrough.

Without further ado, lets go!!

Chapter 1

You start of playing as Ikki Tenryou, a boy who is a fan of Medabots. Right now, he is doing his usual routine: visiting the Lab.

You need to go to the northern room from the enterance and go to the western room of the lab. If you do this, Ikki will enter a conversation with an old man, this man is Doctor Aki, a reseacher on Medabots. He will ask what Ikki's name is, and Ikki will jog the man's memory. Dr. Aki will explain that he's busy right now, and directs Ikki to Nae's office in the lab. Once Ikki tries to go there he'l be knocked down by a rude Scientist --only for Nae to show up and talk sense into him.

For those who watched the anime for Medabots, you'll recognize that the scenario is different, and if you've seen only the first season, you might not recognize Nae.

The fool gawks at Nae, and lets Ikki pass, Nae shows Ikki her lab, and shows him 4 prototype Medabots:

  • Flame Tisala, known as Saldron in the dub,
  • Aquacrown,
  • Wind Cecil, Known as Windsail in the engish dub,
  • and Earthkrono.

Nae will explain that Ikki is free to enter her lab anytime and Ikki leaves. Ikki looks at the time and rushes home, only for his mother, Chidori to give him an errand.

You'll have to go to the shop Hopmart, and get Retort Curry / Spice-A-Roni(dub) for Ikki's mom, only for a teenage boy to get yelled at by his boss. That boy is known as Hikaru 'Henry' Agata, and he just got himself in hot water with his boss for buying expensive parts. The parts aren't his, as Hikaru is doing secret work for Doctor Aki.

Henry forces Ikki to trade in his money for the parts, and Ikki leaves.

You got:

  • (Metabee ver)

KBT01-M / KBT-11220 - Metal Beetle

Head part: Missile / Meta-Missile

Right arm part: Revolver / Meta-Revolver

Left arm Part: Sub-Machinegun / Meta-Machinegun

Leg part: Ochitsuka

  • (Rokusho ver)

KWG01-M / KWG-11237 - Head Scissors

Head part: Antenna

Right arm part: Chanbara Sword

Left arm part: Pipo Hammer

Leg part: Tatacker

Ikki, scolded by his mother, goes to his room and assembles his Medabot-- only to find out that it doesn't work without a medal. Ikki's father, Jouzo Tenryou arrives from work only to confront a strange man calling himself the Kaito Retort / Phantom Renegade(dub), the man gives Jouzo a Kabuto Medal / Kuwagata Medal that Jouzo gives to his son Ikki.

You got

  • (Metabee ver)

Kabuto Medal.

Personality: Hot-Headed -- Aims for heavily armored or strong foes and supports others.

Metabee is hotheaded and prefers to work together with other Medabots to take down foes instead of working alone.

  • (Rokusho ver)

Kuwagata Medal

Personality: Cool -- Aims for weakly armored foes and supports themselves

Rokusho is calm and likes working alone, finding it hard to work with other Medabots.

Exited to have his first Medabot, Ikki name his partner Metabee or Rokusho demending on the version.

When Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho leave, Ikki's friend Erika Amazake shows up and noticing Metabee / Rokusho offers to robattle with Ikki. Ikki looks worried, only for Erika to explain that this is a practice Robattle:

Battle 1 Erika Amazake and Brass

Opponent:Sailor-Multi (SLR01-F)

  • Strategy:

This is a practice fight so nothing will be won or lost. You only gain experience.

    • (Metabee ver)

Remember Brass relies on her Variable Hair to Scan, so open with Metabee's Machinegun to do heavy damage as Brass wasted a turn. Metabee might get lucky and do a Critical, so continue by using Metabee's Meta-Revolver and Meta-Machinegun.

    • (Rokusho ver)

If you want Rokusho to do more Damage, have him Scan first, then use his Chanbara Sword to do damage. Finish with the Pipo Hammer.

After this Erika tells Ikki to go to the Medabot Tournament at school. When Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho go there, Erika complains and tells Ikki that the Screws have total control of the place,and forces Ikki to fight them.

Samantha taunts Ikki, and tells him to fight Sloan. Sloan tries to intimidate Ikki and challenges him to fight:

Battle 2- Sloan and Totalizer

Opponent: Totalizer(Model TOT01-M) Medal: Tortoise Medal- Personality: Trickster (Damages a part the foe is trying to use)

  • Strategy:
    • (Metabee ver)

Totalizer is slow, and tries to damage a part the foe tries to use, and the terrain doesn't help him. Try to disable his legs as he'll just go slower. Metabee can do heavy damage if he gets lucky, and you must try to dodge, so don't Snipe at him.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Again he's slow and Rokusho is fast enough to to heavy damage to Totalizer's legs even without scanning. Be sure to use Rokusho's Chanbara Sword until you can finish Totalizer off.

Sloan will groan about his loss and Samantha will send Spike to fight Ikki.

Battle 3 - Spike and Krosserdog(original game) / Cyandog (CORE)

Opponent: Krosserdog (Model DOG-1X / DOG-01-M) / Cyandog (Model DOG-00-M / ) Medal: ? Medal Personality ???

  • Strategy:
    • (Metabee ver)

You'll be facing another shooting Medabot. Cyandog is almost as fast as Metabee, and isn't compatible with his medal, so he's weaker than Metabee. Metabee can just disable Cyandog's arms and legs but has to be careful when sniping.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Rokusho should Scan and stick to the Chanbara Sword, finishing Cyandog with his Pipo Hammer.

Annoyed, Samantha challenges Ikki herself:

Battle 4 - Samantha and Peppercat

Opponent: Peppercat (Model CAT01-F) Medal: Queen Medal -- Personality ???

  • Strategy:
    • (Metabee ver)

Metabee must be careful, despite the fact that being careful isn't his middle name. Peppercat is evasive and sneaky, being able to use her Thunder attacks on him at any time. Metabee must use his Meta-Missile, being able to use 100% accurate Missile attacks, and his semi-accurate Meta-Revolver if he gets lucky.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Rokusho needs to scan, and use his Chanbara Sword, because of the fact that he can evade as long as he doesn't use his Pipo Hammer, which is a Reckless skill. Once Peppercat's legs are damaged, she can't evade any more and Rokusho can damage her with his Pipo Hammer.

After this, the Screws gang up on Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho, and in a heated moment Metabee / Rokusho uses the Medaforce Ultra Shot / Spiral Bolt. The Screws scatter and Ikki is free to roam the school and train. It's a good idea to reach lv10 for Metabee /Rokusho so that they master the Medaforce.

Chapter 1 - Nae event

Leave the school and and Ikki will meet Karin Junmai. after that, go to Nae's lab and select one of six medals:

  • Monkey Medal - Good with Interrupt , Shooting and Melee parts

In the Kuwagata version, it's a good idea to get the Rabbit Medal so you can name it as and use Warbandit. Be sure to get his head part Tension Up, as Rokusho will get a speed boost, and you need a shooting Medabot, so get the Battle Rifle.

Once you get the Medal leave.

Chapter 2 - A Rival Appears

After going to the Warehouse, return to Omikuji School quickly and Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho will encounter Koji Karakuchi and Sumilidon / Warbandit.

These two beat up the Screws, having sworn to get revenge on the one responsible for tickling Karin. Once you meet up with Erika, she will push you into fighting Koji:

Battle 6 -- Koji Karakuchi and Sumilidon / Warbandit

Opponent: Sumilidon (STG-19207 / STG00-M) Medal: Cat Medal Personality: Vague (No preference, balanced stats) / Warbandit (KLN-11214 / KLN00-M) Medal ? Medal Personlality: .

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee ver)

Your rival is a Sumilidon, and his head part Hunter, uses a Shot Trap that damages shooting Medabots. His head is one of the parts you need to get, as in a later fight it comes in handy.

Use the Medaforce to blast Sumilidon and finish off with it again if Metabee didn't do enough damage.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Your rival is Warbandit, a high speed shooting Medabot. Have Rokusho destroy his arms with the Chanbara Sword, and finish him off with the Medaforce.

Like I said before make sure to get Sumilidon's / Warbandit's head part Hunter / Tension Up as they'll be useful later on.

After this, Erika will complain about Ikki not using the Medaforce to win and leaves.

There is an optional fight with 2 Tankars in the school. If you're playing the Rokusho version, Get the Vulcan or Gatling arms.

Erika gets wind of a new story involving a Medabot that tickles girls, and sends Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho to find it. The trio bump into the Medabot and Arika furiously chases it until it flees to a abandoned warehouse.

Ikki goes there and finds a strange man there. The man reveals himself to be a Rubberobo gang member and attacks Ikki:

Battle 5 -- Rubberrobo gang member

Opponent: Foxuno (CORE) / ??? (Original)

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee ver)

You'll have to avoid using Metabee's Meta-Machinegun for this fight as Foxuno uses Press attacks on his head part. Only use that part when Foxuno leaves himself open.

Its a good idea to get one of Foxuno's arm parts for a Melee based Medabot that you'll need, namely a customized Sumilidon.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Scan first, and use the Chanbara Sword, until Foxuno's arms are broken or wait for him to leave himself open with a Reckless attack.

After beating the thug, the Select Force arrives and Ikki hides. The corrupt Captain leaves after hauling the thug away.

In the warehouse, you'll find a:

  • (Metabee ver)

Tortoise Medal

Personality: Trickster (Damages a part the foe is trying to use)

Parts it likes: Laser and Beam parts.

  • (Rokusho ver)

Snake Medal

Personality: Trickster

Parts it likes: Bug and Virus parts.

Return to Erika and leave for Ikki's house.

Chapter 3 - The Mt. Odoro Incident

Go back home, Ikki's dad will give him a lunchbox with a Male Tinpet. After that, go upstairs to Ikki's room and get the Penlight. Leave and set up your second Medabot, it could be a Krosserdog (In 2 CORE you can find all his parts in rare encounters) or a customized Warbandit / Sumilidon depending if you got the head parts Tension Up(Rokusho) / Hunter(Metabee) and the left arm parts Battle Rifle(Rousho) / Rapier(Metabee) and shooting based / grapple based biped leg parts, with a Rabbit Medal(Rokusho) / Mouse Medal(Metabee).

Go to the School to see the Screws stirring up trouble and trying to go to mount Odoro. Follow Erika there and she will request a warm-up battle:

Battle 6: Erika Amazake and Brass

Opponents: Sailor-Multi (SLR01-F) Medal: ? Medal , Pretty Prime (VAL00-F) Medal: Ninja Medal

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee ver)

Since Metabee has the Medaforce, why not charge it up and blast Pretty Prime? You've already got the Hunter and a Medal that has Melee skill (You actually need the Spider Medal for this job!), so set up traps for Brass and then beat her up if you can. Be careful, Pretty Prime can freeze opponents with her lance, she counterattacks, and she has a heavily armored shield.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Since you've got Rokusho and Warbandit, try having Warbandit speed up Rokusho to give him time to use the Medaforce so that Pretty Prime can be knocked out as it'll take too long and too dangerous to simply barrage her with a mix of Melee and Ranged attacks. Once Pretty Prime is weakened, have Warbandit or Rokusho finish her off when she isn't trying to counter. after that you can disable Brass pretty easily.

After that Ikki is free to roam Mt. Odoro, and if you go north a screen, you should see a tree. Interact with it to find a Rubberrobo in a easy optional fight.

Go west and you'll encounter a Boy. He complains about his Medabot being stolen, and sends out his Toybox / Starpeda to fight Metabee / Rokusho:

Battle 7: A boy and Toybox / Starpeda

Opponent: Toybox (HBY00-M) Medal: Bear Medal Personality: Hot-headed / Starpeda(SFH00-M) Medal: Cat Medal Personality: Vague

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee ver)

This is a single foe so you can best him on 1v1 combat. Be careful as Toybox can slow down Metabee, and can seriously hurt him with Gravity attacks if Metabee uses his Meta-Machinegun, be careful when trying the Medaforce, as Toybox is a energy thief.

    • (Rokusho ver)

This is a single foe so you can best him on 1v1 combat. Don't try anything stupid, as Starpeda can counter. Try slashing him with the Medaforce, and smash the rest of his parts if you can.

There's an Aquamar that is the taxi here. Interact with the sign and he'll come up. Erika will pay for you, so you can easily go to the area in the middle of the pond.

You've got 4 chests to search, the uppermost chest on the right having a Ninja if you open it once. Open that chest again for a:

  • Metabee ver

Jellyfish Medal

Attribute: Bomb

Personality: Cool

  • Rokusho ver

Queen Medal

Attribute: Stop

Personality: Cool

The Middle chest has a Medapart, namely the Psycho Missile

The bottom one has 100 yen.

The last chest is..... Empty!

Talk to the cabbie to go back. He'll change the sign and run off. Go right and down on the path to encounter Kouji and Karin. Talk to Kouji and he'll get annoyed and tell Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho to scram, and that he's looking for the ghost Medabot himself.

Go to the area with a bridge and cross it. you'll end up in the Hermits training grounds. Go to the back of the area and try to cross it. You'll meet the Ninja again, and he'll give you a:

  • (Metabee)

Bear Medal

Personality: Hot-headed

Attribute: Gravity

  • (Rokusho)

Kraken Medal

Personality: Hot-Headed

Attribute: Bind

Leave the premises and return to Mt. Odoro Pond and take the northern bridge. You'll be in an area investigated by the Select Corps.

Talk to the Girl there and the will challenge yo to a battle:

Battle 8: A girl and Churlybear

Opponents: Churlybear(BER01-M) Medal: Bear Medal, Pure Mermaid(MAR00-F)(CORE)/Maitin (MAR01-F)(original) Medal: Mermaid Medal Personality: Imitator(Mimics an ally's movements)

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee)

Avoid Snipe / Reckless as Churlybear can do heavy damage, Metabee must use his Meta-Missile and Meta-Revolver on Pure Mermaid/Maitin to do damage. Remember that Maitin can't bring back broken parts.

    • (Rokusho)

Scan and give Extra Charges first and start using the Battle Rifle to do heavy damage if Churlybear Sniped first, and the goal of this fight is to break as many parts as you can, so Rokusho may have to Scan multiple times.

Try to go near the cave and you will accidently damage a Select members contacts. He will tell Ikki that he can't go in the cave.

Save the game.

Go to the Select Corps building. The wretched and lazy Captain is napping, so talk to the Select member for a battle:

Battle 9 Select force Member

Opponents: Attack-Tyranno (TIR00-M) Medal: Cat Medal, Air-Ptera(PTL00-M) Medal: Cat Medal, Landbrachio(BRA00-M) Medal: Bat Medal Personality: Cool

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee)

Use Metabee's Meta-Missile, and if you get lucky you'll blast Attack-Tyrano to bits. Else, beat up his teamates with Anti-air and heavy attacks, then if Attack-Tyranno went Reckless, Snipe at him.

    • (Rokusho)

Use Rokusho's Pipo Hammer and if you're lucky , you'll smash his head part. Else, beat up his teamates with Anti-air and heavy attacks, then if Attack-Tyranno went Reckless, Snipe at him.

Go up to the Taxi Medabot, and you'll face a Rubberrobo!

Battle 10 Rubberrobo gangster

Opponents: Macdosnake(SNA01-M) Medal: Snake Medal Personality: Trickster, Gorem (DGU) Medal: Ghost Medal Personality: Trickster

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee)

Macdosnake is easy to beat. He only lowers accuracy so Metabee can blast him with his Meta-Missile. Be sure not to Bomb Gorem, as it will do nothing. Trash Macdosnake with high accuracy attacks.

    • (Rokusho)

Macdosnake is easy to beat. Rokusho can dodge his attacks anyway and strike back with the Chanbara Sword and Finish him with the Pipo Hammer

After the fight, Ikki will fall in to the river. He wakes up in an elderly woman's hut. That woman's name is Kannie and with an Aerial Medabot , fished him out of the bay. She will mention bad people hurting the Medabots she takes care of.

Leave the hut, and talk to each Medabot in the area until on of them asks to eat lunch with you. do this and you'll get the part Heavyweighter!

Go up to talk to a Flatstick and he will ask you for a battle. This fight is a bit easy, as Metabee / Rokusho can defeat him rather quickly. Go to the other side of the bay, and cross the bridge. Ignore the Aerial Medabot that lost Kannie's letter, as you'll get the letter later.

Go down the path and Ikki and Metabee / Rokusho will have to contend with:

Battle 11 Rubberrobo gangster

Opponents: Flatstick(MNT00-M) Medal: Snake Medal Personality: Trickster, Haniwa (HNI-1) Medal: Ghost Medal Personality: Trickster

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee)

Flatstick is easy to beat. He only lowers accuracy so Metabee can blast him with his Meta-Missile. Be sure not to bast Haniwa with lasers, as it will do nothing. Trash Flatstick with high accuracy and Anti-Sea attacks.

    • (Rokusho)

Flatstick is easy to beat. Rokusho can dodge his attacks anyway and strike back with the Chanbara Sword and Finish him with the Pipo Hammer

More thugs challenge Ikki, but Henry arrives as his alter-ego the Phantom Renegade, scaring off the villains.

Pick up the letter, read it and give it to the Aerial Medabot. You'll be back at Kannie's hut. She'll give you a reward: a Large Box and a Small Box. Pick one and you'll get:

  • Large Box

100 yen

Female Tinpet

SLR01-F Sailor-Multi Medaparts:

Head: Variable Hair

Right Arm: Patter Vulcan

Left Arm: Short Shot

Legs: Flaregather

  • Small Box

100 yen

Male Tinpet.

Talk to the Aerial Medabot and he'll bring you back upstream. Now go to the Aquamar near a sign and talk to him. say no to the first question and yes to the second to go back downstream!.

Talk to Kannie and to the Aerial Medabot, and get the package you didn't select the first time. Return to the wetern area of Mt. Odoro and talk to Aquamar again. Say yes to the First question and you'll be in Odoro Marsh.

Mount Odoro Marsh

  • First Floor

Ikki can't leave this place and has to find a way out. Find and talk to Sloan for the second time you Robattle him:

Battles 12 and 13 -- Sloan and Totalizer (Round 2, Round 3)

  • Strategy

Opponents: Totalizer(TOT-1X / TOT01-M) Medal: Tortoise Medal, Fireflash (FFY00-F) Medal: Kappa Medal - Personality: Cool

You get to fight Sloan four times early on in the game , so try to get Totalizer's Head, Legs and Arms in the Metabee version.

    • (Metabee ver)

Totalizer is as slow as ever. His partner doesn't change things and with Anti-Sea Parts, Metabee or Brass destroying Totailzer's legs , these two can be easily beaten.

    • (Rokusho ver)

Totalizer is as slow as ever and his partner doesn't change things. With Anti-Sea Parts, Rokusho's Scanning abilities and Warbandit's Extra Charges, these two are easily defeated.

Sloan uses his 'impressive' strength to move a boulder in the way. Blast it with the Battle Rifle and chase Sloan, who will use another boulder. Blast that one with the Psycho Missile and keep chasing him. Sloan, as dumb as he is, even will try this a third time. Smash it with the Heavyweighter and reach the Second floor.

  • Second Floor

Talk to Sloan again for the third time you must fight him. Its the same strategy as last time anyway. Walk up and the right and you'll find junk parts. Run left, then down and right to find a chest, open it for 1000 yen.

Find Spyke near the bottom of the screen and fight him:

Battle 14 Spyke and Cyandog (Round 2)

Opponents: Krosserdog(DOG-1X)/Cyandog(DOG00-M) Medal: ? Medal, Mantaprey(MTS-0) Medal: Cat -- Personality: Vague

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee ver)

Cyandog was pretty weak before, and still hasn't improved, Mantaprey is weak and not much of a threat, only doing Sword attacks and can leave himself open to criticals, and against Metabee and his teammates, these two are almost a joke. Trash Mantaprey with the Meta-Misille and focus all fire on Cyandog.

    • (Rokusho)

Cyandog was pretty weak before, and is still that way now!, Mantaprey is not much of a threat, only doing Sword attacks. Against Rokusho and Warbandit, however makes Mantaprey pretty weak as neither of Spyke's Medabots have good defenses. Trash Mantaprey with the Pipo Hammer and the Gatling if you have one and focus all attacks on Cyandog.

Set up your fourth Medabot, it could be any complete or nearly complete set that is compatible with or uses the skills of your medals.

Get another pile of junk and find Samantha, however instead of fighting her, she leaves. Go to the deepest part of the cave to encounter the ghost Medabot.

Save the game, and in the Rokusho version, set up a Fireflash for the next few fights. In the Metabee version, give Metabee a Negate Bomb arm if you have one(The Hand Shutter), and set up a Totalizer with Floro's left or right arms, and for your Female Tinpet, use Brass's main body but with one of Pure Mermaid's arm parts.

The Ghost asks for parts, thinking it would bring someone back, revealing the fact that he was used. Koji appears and thinks that the Ghost was the problem. Ikki tries to reason with him, but Koji wants a fight:

Battle 14 - Koji and Sumilidon / Warbandit (Round 2)

Opponents: Sumilidon/Warbandit x2 (Original) / Sumilidon(Metabee ver) or Warbandit(Rokusho ver), Sakura-chan(Rockflower) Medal: Rabbit Medal -Personality: Hot-Headed.

  • Strategy

It is a good idea to get Sumilidon's / Warbandit's leg parts Sharp Edge / Abductor this time around. With the rival's Leg parts, your Sumilidon will be more balanced and his Flexor Sword will be more useful., and Warbandit will be able to evade more often, making Warbandit's legs good for Shoot skill combinations.

    • (Metabee)

(Medarot 2): There are two Sumilidon this time, but remember: he's only that powerful against Metabee, so without his arms he'll be weak. Try using close combat and healing Medabots and the Medaforce to win.

(Medarot 2 Core): There is a Sakura-chan here but he can't fight, so Sumilidon fights to protect him. Again Sumilidon can't beat Melee Medabots easily nor can he beat the Medaforce.

    • (Rokusho)

(Medarot 2): There are two Warbandit this time, but remember: Warbandit is good against both Shooters and Fighters, and he'll get a major boost in speed, so disable his arms, as he is in the same boat as Rokusho.

(Medarot 2 Core): There is a Sakura-chan here but he can't fight, so Warbandit defends him. Warbandit is good against both Shooters and Fighters, and he'll get a major boost in speed so disable his arms, as he is in the same boat as Rokusho.

Then a mean Rubberrobo, namely Shiokara(Squidguts) shows up, revealing himself to be behind the Ghost incident. Ikki will challenge him to a fight and Koji will beat up one of the thugs:

BOSS Battle 1--> Shiokara and Dashbutton / Abyss Greater

Opponents: Dashbutton(BOR-0) Medal: Knight Personality: Cool, Giggly Jelly(JEL-0) Medal: Jellyfish Medal / Abyss Greater(KNG00-M) x2 Medal: Devil Medal-Personality:

  • Strategy
    • (Metabee ver)

Shiokara uses a Giggly Jelly alongside his main Medabot, as he uses missle attacks that don't do much damage unless he Snipes, and Dashbutton does nothing but defend,so you'll need heavy attacks. You could use a modified Totalizer to smash through Dashbutton's armor and use Metabee's Medaforce to do a dent in Giggly Jelly or Dashbutton, while your Melee Medabot sets up Shot traps to do damage/ or if you had a healing Medabot as the 2nd partner, fixing any dents in Totalizer's armor. .

    • (Rokusho ver)

Do NOT use Rokusho as the leader here, and you'll see why. Abyss Greater is compatible with the Devil Medal and gains a massive power boost, so his Sacrifice attacks do massive damage and they aim for Rokusho. Have Warbandit or Fireflash as the leader, with Rokusho scanning, Warbandit giving the Abyss Greaters hell with crits(because they can't dodge after attacking), while Fireflash does heavy damage to them.

Be sure to get Dasbutton's / Abyssgeater's arm parts as you'll get

  • (Metabee)

Incomplete Dashbutton:

Head part: Switching

Leg part: Burly

You got the:

Spider Medal - Personality: Cool

Since you got the Spider Medal use it in, and name it as Sumilidon as the Hunter is compatible with it.

  • (Rokusho)

Incomplete Abyss Greater:

Head part: Extise

Leg part: Depthsole

You got the:

Phoenix Medal - Personalty:

You can set up the Fourth Tinpet with Abyss Greater's parts if you want to. This Medabot is a powerful ally as he can do heavy damage.

  • Note for Medabots/Medarot Ni CORE:

Later in the Metabee version, you may want to get the New KWG-2 type, Zorin, and in the Rokusho version , you may want to use the New KBT-2 type, Bayonet.

Get out the cave and go to Omikuji Town.

=Chapter 3 -Nae event

Chapter 4 - Medabot Island