Azuma's Metabee

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Metabee (メタビー), model KBT00-M, is a Medarot belonging to Azuma Amakura, the central Medarot of Medarot DS and Medarot 7 in Kabuto version. Also starring in the manga adaptations. He is commonly upgraded to the Gun-Nose model, nicknamed Gun.

In the Games

Metabee is with Azuma since the fist chapter of Medarot DS, being given to him by Ikki. He has a short fuse and is a rather lazy and irresponsible guy, and clashes with Azuma multiple times, being a hinderance to Azuma as much as he is a help to him. He hates being belittled, and often refuses to listen to Azuma, acting in an hardheaded way. He is known to get glee from fighting and goes as far to call it fun, possibily hinting at the fact that he is only doing this to playfully get on Azuma's nerves. Despite these negative traits, he is loyal and actually kinder than he lets on.

Medarot DS

At the beginning of the game, after Azuma sees his friends Chitose and Taruto defeated by The Willows, his dog leads him home and points him to a Kabuto Medal sitting in his dad's office. Azuma decides to borrow the Medal, and quickly runs off to purchase a Tinpet and parts from Ikki, who works at the local convenience store. Although Azuma doesn't have quite enough money, Ikki makes an exception and sells him Metabee's parts at a discount after seeing the Medal he brought with him. After being shown how to assemble his new Medarot, Azuma runs back to the park to win back Chitose and Taruto's parts.

Later, Azuma and Metabee see a Gun-Nose in the town's Medarot Research lab where Azuma Amakura, in disguise as a researcher, agrees to test the parts. Soon after, Azuma's own Metabee is destroyed in a confrontation with the Roborobo Gang's Sakekaasu and his leader Conflict; Sakekaasu steals the broken Medrot's body, accidentally leaving the Medal behind. Dr. Aki gives Azuma the complete set of parts for Gun-Nose and a replacement Tinpet while the Medarot decides on a new name for itself: "Gun".

In the Manga

Medarot DS

He is seen as owned by Azuma Amakura since the first chapter, as Azuma bought Gun's Kabuto Medal, Tinpet and the KBT10-M Gun-Nose parts. Gun later fought and beat Taruto's Docto. Azuma nicknames his Gun-Nose "Gun"

Medarot Seven

Metabee is with Azuma since the fist chapter. He is competitive, rebellious and often lazy, often called in sleeping during robattles.

Chapter 1

Metabee is outright rude to Azuma, telling him that he's not his alarm clock, and when he's called to fight the Willows, he sleeps and even agrees with what Sakura says, much to Azuma's despair.

When Nut called Azuma a fool and Metabee a piece of trash, Metabee is quick to listen to Azuma and is quick to quick to fight the Willow's Medarots, defeating Kieth and P.C. quickly.

Chapter 2

Later in a Team Robotlle with against Roborobos, Metabee doesn't do well. He gets confused due to his laziness, being out of the fight and even punches Azuma for belittling him, being practically useless.

He as well as Azuma recklessly challenged Kohaku and Rokusho, with Shiokara arriving and cheating the robottle by using paralyzing cables on Rokusho.

Metabee frees Rokusho, and tries to fight Chuugen Haoh, who forces him to switch parts with the Trans-Part System gaining the Right Arm 'Rungu'. He blasts at Chuugen Haoh weakening him, allowing Rokusho to finish him off.

Chapter 3

In the fight with the Roborobo gang, the Roborobos unleased a Beast Master to fight Azuma and his friends as revenge for beating Shiokara. The Beast Master torments Azuma and the others with its overwhelming destructive power, so much so that even Willows, who broke in the warehouse, can't stand against it. However, in the end, Beast Master was taken advantage of by the flash of Rokusho 's Samurai Saber , and was defeated by Metabee 's Medaforce , which blew his head off without a trace. However, there is no mention that his Kabuto Medal has any special ability.