Koishimaru Tensan

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Koishimaru Tensan
Japanese: テンサン コイシマル
Tensan koishimaru
Gender: Male
Medarots: Omeda (M5)
Nekuu (M5)
Dechotom (MG)
Adolphin (MG)
Hardness Ten
Asterios (M7)
Iliako Force (Dual)
Family: Mayu Tensan (Mother)
Nationality: Japanese
Game appearances
Medarot 5, Medarot G , Medarot 2 Core, Medarot DUAL, Medarot S
Other appearances
Manga: Medarot 5, Medarot G

Koishimaru Tensan (テンサン コイシマル) is a major character in the Medarot series, the third protagonist from main series after Ikki Tenryou held that role for three games. His first appearance was as the protagonist and player character in Medarot 5 and its direct sequel Medarot G. He returns as NPC in Medarot 2 Core, although the game technically takes place before Medarot 5, thanks to time travel.

He is an energetic and spirited boy who is easy to get along with, despite others thinking he is weird or strange. He lives mostly with his mother, Mayu, as the two are often at home together. His father is a paleontologist, though from what is mentioned, he is more specifically a dinosaur specialist.

At the beginning of the story, there's a misunderstanding among the other students, who believe that he transferred from Omikuji Town, Ikki’s hometown, and that he is a strong Medarotter. He ends up replacing Yamato as the president of the Medarot Club, and takes on the task of recruiting members to save the club from being disbanded.

Although he is a complete beginner at Robattles, his passion for Medarots is strong, and he gradually develops into a skilled Medarotter.

In the games[edit]

In Medarot 5[edit]

Koishimaru and his family had just moved to Susutake Village, and Koishimaru is enrolled in the school there. Having just gotten a new Medarotch, he hopes to join the Medarot club at his new school. At the bus stop he meets Yamato Shijimi, and is shown around the village while waiting for the bus. However disaster strikes, and the duo are pushed into cow manure by two bullies, namely Osamu Samehada and Asahi Hyoumon, breaking Koisimaru's Medarotch. After getting a shower, he realizes that he's going to be late for school and rushes to the bus stop... only to come too late. He either waits for a taxi, or runs after the bus. He ends up meeting Michio the taxi driver either way. Michio tells him about some Ghosts who seem to be causing trouble when they appear.

When Koishimaru arrives at school, he is scolded by Prof. Usumon, and meets Prof. Akane, who introduces him to the rest of the class except Yamato. After school, noticing Yamato wasn't there, he goes to the Shijimi residence, en route he hears Beni Shijimi, Yamato's younger sister crying. Koishimaru finds out that Beni's balloon floated up in to a giant tree and inside the tree he find abandonded Parts for the KBT-0 model Chrotojil/ KWG-0 Model Shinzan , a Kabuto/Kuwagata Medal and a new Medarotch.

Attempting to give them back, Koishimaru meets Hikoo Tamayasu and Shinzan/Chrotojil. Hiko's Medarot(known as Nekuu/Omeda) assumes Koishimaru is a thief, but Koishimaru defuses the situation by saying exactly what he was trying to do, and Hiko realizing that Koishimaru is new to Robottles ,offers him advice and as Hiko is about to test Koishimaru in a robottle, the Ghosts attack, demanding that Koishimaru give up Omeda's/Nekuu's body to their master Black Mantle. But Koishimaru refuses and together with Hiko defeats and drives off the Ghosts.

After that ordeal Koishimaru returns home after arguing with Omeda/Nekuu about what to do, he returns home. Koishimaru then admits that he really wants to be with Omeda/Nekuu, but knows that he has to return his partner's parts.

Later on he then ecnounters Yamato again, who he defeats. In awe of the boy's power, Yamato shrewdly forces Koishimaru to join the Medarot Club as its Leader.

He meets Shigeyuki, who reveals that the Chrotojil/Shinzan parts were stolen from his lab, but after a test battle, he lets Koishimaru keep Omeda/Nekuu -- much to the boy's relief. Then he tries to go home, Michio tells him about some Medarot that left home for some reason, after that Koishimaru can fight Michio before returning.

After these events Koishimaru finally helps revitalise the Medarot Club, rushing to school with Omeda / Nekuu and Asahi, jumping a fence just to avoid being late. He alongside his partner, goes to the Gym, finding no one there, he tries to leave only to fight an Old Man, with Omeda / Nekuu defeating the Old Man's Medarot with ease. Yamato arrives and explains that the Old Man is actally Sensei Miyama, one of the teachers. It's explained that the club needs 4 members to to continue operating.

2 days later Koishimaru, Yamato and Asahi find some of their friends asking Saki, and later Konoha after fighting Ghosts in the sancturary for stealing a book, and finally Osamu, to join the Medarot Club, ending with the team complete and Koishimaru and Omeda / Nekuu defeating Prof. Usumon in the Gym.

One day after that, Koishimaru, Omeda / Nekuu compete in the Seidou Town Tournament preliminary matches and during the battles they meet Kaoru and Gairan, and Koishimaru and Omeda / Nekuu encounter and defeat Hiko and Nekuu / Omeda. Some time after this they compete in the finals and find out that Hiko's Medarot was stolen from him. Hiko's Kuwagata Medal / Kabuto Medal was stolen by Tsuguo, who knocked him down and stole Nekuu's / Omeda's body. Koishimaru and Omeda / Nekuu defeat Tsuguo, who reveals that he was told to do it by Arakune Ito.

When the Medarot Club of Susutake Village compete in the Colosseum, they find out that Prof. Usumon was kidnapped. Koishimaru and Omeda / Nekuu free the man, and Usumon reveals that Arakune Ito did the deed, leaving everyone in shock. Ito has the Monument activate and destroy the Colosseum, with Koishimaru , Omeda / Nekuu and their friends exploring the Monument, ultimately leading to Koishimaru to find out about Hardness 10, and his fight with the Ghosts one last time, battling with Hardness 10 and Ito afterward. Omeda / Nekuu wins this fight, with Arakune Ito realizing that the bond between a Medarotter and their Medarot lasts forever. After this Koishimaru and his friends celebrate their victory.

In Medarot G[edit]

A few months after his showdown with Arakune Ito, Koishimaru hears about Densuke Land, a theme park dedicated to robattles. However Koishimaru's Medarotch is malfunctioning, and Omeda's/Nekuu's body is heavily damaged to the point of breaking. Shigeyuki reveals that he'd been working on a few new Medarot three months prior-- the KBT-1 Model Dichotom and the KWG-1 Model Adolphin. Shigeyuki gives Dichotom or Adolphin to Koishimaru, who then competes in the Tournament.

After winning the Tournament, Koishimaru and Omeda / Nekuu clash with the Revo-Revo Group, who seize the prize, and flee, and challenge the duo to fight them. Once Koishimaru and Omeda / Nekuu defeat the Revo-Revo Group, they reveal themselves as people that Koishimaru met before, and they reveal that they wanted to see if he was ready for Hardness 10's power, and they give Koishimaru back the prize for the Densuke Land Tournament.

In Medarot 2 Core[edit]

Koishimaru is taken to the past thanks to Milky's powers. His identity is omitted, being seen only as a mysterious masked Medarotter from the future. Ikki then battles Koishimaru, who uses an exact copy of the player's current team.

This part of the story is an extra post-game event that exists only in the Japanese version, which features some extra content over the western releases.

In Medarot DUAL[edit]

In the Manga[edit]

Next Generation Medarot / Medarot 5 (Manga)[edit]

In Medarot G (Manga)[edit]




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